Class IO

  • public final class IO
    extends Object
    Utility class that can stream to and from streams.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int DEFAULT_TMP_INIT_LENGTH
        8 KiB.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_TMP_MEMORY_LIMIT
        64 KiB.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_TMP_FILE_LIMIT
        1 GiB.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • newBranchingInputStream

        public static BranchingInputStream newBranchingInputStream​(byte[] bytes)
        Creates a new branching input stream that wraps a byte array.
        bytes - byte array to wrap with the branching input stream.
        The branching input stream.
      • newBranchingInputStream

        public static BranchingInputStream newBranchingInputStream​(InputStream in,
                                                                   Factory<Buffer> bufferFactory)
        Creates a new branching input stream to wrap another input stream. All divergence between branches is maintained in a temporary buffer.

        If the stream being wrapped is a branching input stream, this constructor will simply branch off of that existing stream rather than wrapping it with another branching input stream.

        Note: This stream and any branches it creates are not safe for use by multiple concurrent threads.

        in - the stream to be wrapped.
        bufferFactory - an object that can create new temporary buffers (e.g. @link TemporaryStorage}).
        The branching input stream.
      • newFileBuffer

        public static Buffer newFileBuffer​(File file,
                                           int limit)
                                    throws FileNotFoundException
        Creates a new file buffer that uses a local file for data storage.

        Note: The returned buffer is not synchronized. If multiple threads access a buffer concurrently, threads that append to the buffer should synchronize on the instance of this object.

        file - the file to use as storage for the buffer.
        limit - the buffer length limit, after which an OverflowException will be thrown.
        The file buffer.
        FileNotFoundException - if the file cannot be created or opened for writing.
        SecurityException - if a security manager denies access to the specified file.
      • newMemoryBuffer

        public static Buffer newMemoryBuffer​(int initial,
                                             int limit)
        Creates a new buffer that uses a byte array for data storage. The byte array starts at a prescribed initial length, and grows exponentially up to the prescribed limit.

        Note: The returned buffer is not synchronized. If multiple threads access a buffer concurrently, threads that append to the buffer should synchronize on the instance of this object.

        initial - the initial size of the byte array to create.
        limit - the buffer length limit, after which an OverflowException will be thrown.
        The memory buffer.
      • newTemporaryBuffer

        public static Buffer newTemporaryBuffer​(int initialLength,
                                                int memoryLimit,
                                                int fileLimit,
                                                File directory)
        Creates a new temporary buffer that first uses memory, then a temporary file for data storage. Initially, a memory buffer is used; when the memory buffer limit is exceeded it promotes to the use of a file buffer.
        initialLength - the initial length of memory buffer byte array.
        memoryLimit - the length limit of the memory buffer.
        fileLimit - the length limit of the file buffer.
        directory - the directory where temporary files are created, or null to use the system-dependent default temporary directory.
        The temporary buffer.
      • newTemporaryStorage

        public static Factory<Buffer> newTemporaryStorage()
        Creates a new storage using the system dependent default temporary directory and default sizes. Equivalent to call newTemporaryStorage(null).
        The temporary storage.
      • newTemporaryStorage

        public static Factory<Buffer> newTemporaryStorage​(File directory)
        Builds a storage using the given directory (may be null) and default sizes. Equivalent to call newTemporaryStorage(directory, HEIGHT_KB, SIXTY_FOUR_KB, ONE_MB) .
        directory - The directory where temporary files are created. If null, then the system-dependent default temporary directory will be used.
        The temporary storage.
      • newTemporaryStorage

        public static Factory<Buffer> newTemporaryStorage​(File directory,
                                                          int initialLength,
                                                          int memoryLimit,
                                                          int fileLimit)
        Builds a storage using the given directory (may be null) and provided sizes.
        directory - The directory where temporary files are created. If null, then the system-dependent default temporary directory will be used.
        initialLength - The initial length of memory buffer byte array.
        memoryLimit - The length limit of the memory buffer. Attempts to exceed this limit will result in promoting the buffer from a memory to a file buffer.
        fileLimit - The length limit of the file buffer. Attempts to exceed this limit will result in an OverflowException being thrown.
        The temporary storage.
      • nullInputStream

        public static InputStream nullInputStream()
        Returns an input stream that holds no data.
        An input stream that holds no data.
      • nullOutputStream

        public static OutputStream nullOutputStream()
        Returns an output stream that discards all data written to it.
        An output stream that discards all data written to it.
      • stream

        public static void stream​(InputStream in,
                                  OutputStream out)
                           throws IOException
        Streams all data from an input stream to an output stream.
        in - the input stream to stream the data from.
        out - the output stream to stream the data to.
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs.
      • stream

        public static void stream​(InputStream in,
                                  OutputStream out,
                                  boolean forceFlush)
                           throws IOException
        Streams all data from an input stream to an output stream.
        in - the input stream to stream the data from.
        out - the output stream to stream the data to.
        forceFlush - flush the output stream after each buffer is written.
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs.
      • stream

        public static int stream​(InputStream in,
                                 OutputStream out,
                                 int len)
                          throws IOException
        Streams data from an input stream to an output stream, up to a specified length.
        in - the input stream to stream the data from.
        out - the output stream to stream the data to.
        len - the number of bytes to stream.
        the actual number of bytes streamed.
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs.
      • stream

        public static void stream​(Reader in,
                                  Writer out)
                           throws IOException
        Streams all characters from a reader to a writer.
        in - reader to stream the characters from.
        out - the writer to stream the characters to.
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs.