Class EncryptedThenSignedJwtBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • EncryptedThenSignedJwtBuilder

        public EncryptedThenSignedJwtBuilder​(EncryptedJwtBuilder encryptedJwtBuilder,
                                             SigningHandler signingHandler,
                                             JwsAlgorithm jwsAlgorithm)
        Constructs a new SignedEncryptedJwtBuilder that will use the given EncryptedJwtBuilder, to build the nested Encrypted JWT, and the private key and JwsAlgorithm to sign the outer JWT.
        encryptedJwtBuilder - The EncryptedJwtBuilder instance.
        signingHandler - The SigningHandler instance used to sign the JWS.
        jwsAlgorithm - The JwsAlgorithm to use when signing the JWT.