Class SecretRSASigningHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SecretRSASigningHandler
    extends SecretSigningHandler
    An Secret-based implementation of the SigningHandler which can sign and verify using algorithms from the RSA family.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SecretRSASigningHandler

        public SecretRSASigningHandler​(SigningKey signingKey)
        Constructs a new SecretRSASigningHandler for creating signature with the given signingKey.
        signingKey - key to use for signature creation
      • SecretRSASigningHandler

        public SecretRSASigningHandler​(VerificationKey verificationKey)
        Constructs a new SecretRSASigningHandler for verifying signature with the given verificationKey.
        verificationKey - key to use for signature verification