Interface CaveatVerifier

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    Functional Interface:
    This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

    public interface CaveatVerifier
    Generic interface for methods to verify that a caveat is satisfied.
    • Method Detail

      • isSatisfied

        boolean isSatisfied​(Macaroon.Caveat caveat,
                            Macaroon macaroon)
        Checks whether the given caveat is satisfied. Caveat verifiers should be quick to evaluate (ideally constant-time), as a macaroon may have a large number of caveats, as may any discharge macaroons. If caveat verifiers take a long time to run then an attacker may be able to use this as a denial of service attack vector by sending macaroons with a large number of expensive caveats. Where a potentially expensive operation is required, consider making it a 3rd-party caveat to offload the processing to a separate service with a simple discharge macaroon used to prove that it has been satisfied.
        caveat - the caveat to verify.
        macaroon - the macaroon that the caveat is attached to.
        true if the caveat is satisfied, otherwise false.