Class MacaroonVerifierResult

  • public class MacaroonVerifierResult
    extends Object
    Indicates whether a macaroon was successfully verified or not. This result encapsulates two decisions: whether the macaroon signature was valid, and whether any caveats were not satisfied.
    • Method Detail

      • isValid

        public boolean isValid()
        Indicates whether the macaroon is valid. A valid macaroon has a valid signature and no unsatisfied caveats.
        true if the macaroon is valid.
      • isSignatureValid

        public boolean isSignatureValid()
        Indicates whether the signature was valid, ignoring any unsatisfied caveats.
        true if the macaroon signature is valid.
      • getUnsatisfiedCaveats

        public Set<Macaroon.Caveat> getUnsatisfiedCaveats()
        Returns any caveats that are not satisfied for this macaroon.
        the unsatisfied caveats.