Class NoSuchSecretException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class NoSuchSecretException
    extends Exception
    Indicates that no secret was configured for the given purpose, or the named secret is not available.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • NoSuchSecretException

        public NoSuchSecretException​(Purpose<?> purpose,
                                     String id)
        Constructs the exception for the given purpose and secret stable id.
        purpose - the purpose.
        id - the stable id of the secret that was not found.
      • NoSuchSecretException

        public NoSuchSecretException​(Purpose<?> purpose)
        Constructs the exception for the given purpose.
        purpose - the purpose.
      • NoSuchSecretException

        public NoSuchSecretException​(String id)
        Constructs the exception for the given secret stable id.
        id - the stable id of the secret that was not found.
      • NoSuchSecretException

        public NoSuchSecretException​(String message,
                                     Throwable cause)
        Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause. Note that this does not capture the secretId or purpose.
        message - the detail message
        cause - the cause
    • Method Detail

      • getPurpose

        public Purpose<?> getPurpose()
        Returns the purpose for which no secret was found, or null if not specified.
        the purpose for which no secret was found.
      • getSecretId

        public String getSecretId()
        Returns the stable id of the secret that was not found, or null if not specified.
        the stable if of the secret that was not found, or null if not specified.