Class LambdaExceptionUtils

  • public final class LambdaExceptionUtils
    extends Object
    Utility methods for interacting with lambdas that throw exceptions.

    WARNING: The methods provided here give a way to make the compiler believe that the exception that is being thrown from the lambda expression is thrown out of the rethrowXxx method, rather than from wherever the consumer of the lambda actually invokes the lambda. These methods do not change where exceptions actually come from!

    Provided you use this only when your use of lambdas is completely contained within an exception handling block, then this is perfectly safe to do, but you need to consider carefully what the usage of your lambda is going to be. Consider the following example:

    public List<Class<?>> getClasses() {
         List<Stream> classNames = Arrays.asList("my.Class");
         Stream<Class<?>> classes;
         try {
             classes =;
         } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
             log.debug("Class not found", e);
             classes = Stream.empty();
         return classes.collect(Collectors.toList());

    What happens when my.Class does not exist? It would appear from this code that the answer is that the ClassNotFoundException gets caught and logged, and that classes gets initialised to an empty stream that will then be collected to a list, which will also be empty.

    However, you need to remember how the Stream uses the lambda passed in the method - streams only actually evaluate the lambdas from map and filter type operations at the point at which the stream is actually terminated - when you call a method that produces a result or a side-effect - in this case, Stream.collect(

    So what actually happens in the above example is that the ClassNotFoundException actually gets thrown from the collect call, and results in the getClasses() method actually throwing a checked exception that it hasn't declared. Also, the exception is not in fact ever logged because that catch block will never be invoked (nothing in the try actually throws an exception).

    The correct way of making use of the rethrowFunction method in this example would be as follows:

    public List<Class<?>> getClasses() {
         List<Stream> classNames = Arrays.asList("my.Class");
         try {
         } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
             log.debug("Class not found", e);
             return Collections.emptyList();

    Here the use of the lambda is contained within the same exception handling block.

    See Also:
    The source on Stack Overflow
    • Method Detail

      • rethrowConsumer

        public static <T,​E extends ExceptionConsumer<T> rethrowConsumer​(Consumer<T,​E> consumer)
                                                                         throws E extends Exception
        Wrap a Consumer to comply with Consumer's no checked exception signature. The underlying exception will actually be thrown and must be handled by the client code.

        .forEach(rethrowConsumer(name -> System.out.println(Class.forName(name))))

        WARNING: See the class-level javadoc for safety considerations governing use of this method.

        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the consumed object.
        E - The type of exception thrown.
        consumer - The Consumer that throws the checked exception
        A Consumer that appears not to the throw the checked exception.
        E - This method does not really throw E - the compiler is tricked into thinking it does.
        E extends Exception
      • rethrowPredicate

        public static <T,​E extends ExceptionPredicate<T> rethrowPredicate​(Predicate<T,​E> predicate)
                                                                           throws E extends Exception
        Wrap a Predicate to comply with Predicate's no checked exception signature. The underlying exception will actually be thrown and must be handled by the client code.

        .filter((t) -> Class.forName("com.acme.MyClass").isAssignableFrom(t.getClass()))

        WARNING: See the class-level javadoc for safety considerations governing use of this method.

        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the predicate test object.
        E - The type of exception thrown.
        predicate - The Predicate that throws the checked exception
        A Predicate that appears not to the throw the checked exception.
        E - This method does not really throw E - the compiler is tricked into thinking it does.
        E extends Exception
      • rethrowSupplier

        public static <T,​E extends ExceptionSupplier<T> rethrowSupplier​(Supplier<T,​E> supplier)
                                                                         throws E extends Exception
        Wrap a Supplier to comply with Supplier's no checked exception signature. The underlying exception will actually be thrown and must be handled by the client code.

        .orElseGet(() -> Class.forName("com.acme.MyClass"))

        WARNING: See the class-level javadoc for safety considerations governing use of this method.

        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the supplied object.
        E - The type of exception thrown.
        supplier - The Supplier that throws the checked exception
        A Supplier that appears not to the throw the checked exception.
        E - This method does not really throw E - the compiler is tricked into thinking it does.
        E extends Exception
      • rethrowFunction

        public static <T,​R,​E extends ExceptionFunction<T,​R> rethrowFunction​(Function<T,​R,​E> function)
                                                                                         throws E extends Exception
        Wrap a throwing Function to comply with Function's no checked exception signature. The underlying exception will actually be thrown and must be handled by the client code.

        .map(name -> Class.forName(name)) or .map(Class::forName)

        WARNING: See the class-level javadoc for safety considerations governing use of this method.

        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the consumed object.
        R - The type of the result.
        E - The type of exception thrown.
        function - The Function that throws the checked exception
        A Function that appears not to the throw the checked exception.
        E - This method does not really throw E - the compiler is tricked into thinking it does.
        E extends Exception
      • rethrowBiFunction

        public static <T,​U,​R,​E extends ExceptionBiFunction<T,​U,​R> rethrowBiFunction​(BiFunction<T,​U,​R,​E> function)
                                                                                                             throws E extends Exception
        Wrap a BiFunction to comply with BiFunction's no checked exception signature. The underlying exception will actually be thrown and must be handled by the client code.

        WARNING: See the class-level javadoc for safety considerations governing use of this method.

        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the first consumed object.
        U - The type of the second consumed object.
        R - The type of the result.
        E - The type of exception thrown.
        function - The BiFunction that throws the checked exception
        A BiFunction that appears not to the throw the checked exception.
        E - This method does not really throw E - the compiler is tricked into thinking it does.
        E extends Exception