
Installing the PingDirectory server in non-interactive mode

Run the setup command in non-interactive mode to automate the installation process using a script or to run the command directly from the command line.

Non-interactive mode is useful when setting up production or QA servers with specific configuration requirements. There are two ways to set up a server in non-interactive mode:

Using the setup command in non-interactive mode requires that all mandatory arguments be present for each command call. If there are missing or incorrect arguments, the setup command fails and aborts the process. You must use a --no-prompt option to suppress interactive output, except for errors, when running in non-interactive mode. You must also specify the port on which the server listens for connections:

  • --ldapPort for connections from unencrypted LDAP clients

  • --ldapsPort for connections from TLS-encrypted LDAPs clients

Lastly, you must use the --acceptLicense option. To view the license, run the bin/review-license command.

To automatically tune the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to use maximum memory, use the --maxHeapSize option. To preload the database at startup, use the --primeDB option.

To configure a deployment using a truststore, see Installing the PingDirectory server with a truststore.

To see a description of the available command-line options for the setup command, use setup --help.

Instructions for additional tasks you can perform while installing the server in non-interactive mode are provided in the following sections: