
Installing additional servers

About this task

The setup command provides an interactive text-based interface to install a PingDirectoryProxy server instance that clones a previously installed PingDirectoryProxy server instance.


  1. Change to the server root directory.


    cd PingDirectoryProxy
  2. Use the setup command.

    $ ./setup
  3. Read the Ping Identity End-User License Agreement, and type yes to continue.

  4. Enter yes in response to add this new server to an existing topology.

    Would you like to add this server to an existing Directory Proxy Server topology? (yes / no) [no]: yes
  5. Enter the host name of the PingDirectoryProxy server from which configuration settings are copied during setup.

    Enter the host name of the peer Directory Proxy Server from which you would like
    to copy configuration settings. []:
  6. Type the port number of the peer PingDirectoryProxy server from which configuration settings are copied during setup. You can press Enter to accept the default port, which is 389.

    Enter the port of the peer Directory Proxy Server [389]:
  7. Enter the option corresponding to the type of connection you want to use to connect to the peer PingDirectoryProxy server.

    How would you like to connect to the peer Directory Proxy Server?
      1) None
      2) SSL
      3) StartTLS
    Enter choice [1]:
  8. Type the root user DN of the peer PingDirectoryProxy server, or press Enter to accept the default (cn=Directory Manager), and then type and confirm the root user password.

    Enter the manager account DN for the peer Directory Proxy Server [cn=Directory Manager]:
    Enter the password for cn=Directory Manager:
  9. Enter the host name of the new local PingDirectoryProxy server.

    Enter the fully qualified host name or IP address of the local host []:
  10. Choose the location of your new PingDirectoryProxy server instance or enter a new one.

  11. Enter an option to set up the server with the current configuration, provide new parameters, or cancel.

  12. After setup is complete, choose the next configuration option.