
Configuring the server using the administrative console

The PingDirectory server provides an administrative console for server configuration and monitoring that has the same functionality as the dsconfig command.

When signing on to the administrative console, the console does not persistently store any credentials for authenticating to the PingDirectory server. Instead, the console uses the credentials provided by the user when signing on.

When managing multiple PingDirectory server instances, the provided credentials must be valid for each instance.

Signing on to the administrative console

About this task

To sign on to the console, enter a fully qualified distinguished name (DN), for example, cn=Directory Manager, cn=admin2,cn=Topology Admin Users,cn=Topology,cn=config. For more information, see Configuring a global administrator.


  1. Start the PingDirectory server. $ bin/start-server

  2. To access the administrative console, go to https://<host>:<port>/console/login. <host> is the hostname of the server, and <port> is the port on which the server accepts connections from HTTPS clients. This was configured during the install.

  3. In the Username and Password fields, enter the root user DN credentials.

    Screen capture of the PingData Administrative Console sign on screen showing the Server, Username, and Password fields
  4. Click Sign In.

Configuring the server using the console


  1. In the administrative console, go to Configuration → Backends.

    Screen capture of the Configuration page in the PingData Administrative Console. There are multiple list groupings for different configuration options. Backends is located close to the midpoint in the left-hand column in the Backends, Indexing, and Caching section.
  2. At the top of the administrative console page, select the Show Advanced Properties check box.

  3. Click the name of the backend you want to configure.

  4. Change or enter values in the server configuration.

    Screen capture of the Edit Local DB Backend page in the PingData Administrative Console
  5. To apply your changes, click Save.