
Configuring a custom stats logger using dsconfig non-interactive

About this task

The following task replicates the previous procedure using dsconfig in non-interactive mode.

To create a custom stats logger:


  • Run the dsconfig non-interactive command with the create-custom-logged-stats option.


    In this example, the command produces a column named Memory Consumer Total (GB) that contains the value of the of total-bytes-used-by-memory-consumers attribute pulled from the entry with the ds-memory-usage-monitor-entry objectclass. This value is scaled by 1073741824 to get to a value represented in GBs.

    $ bin/dsconfig create-custom-logged-stats --plugin-name "Stats Logger" \
      --stats-name "Memory Usage" --type custom \
      --set monitor-objectclass:ds-memory-usage-monitor-entry \
      --set attribute-to-log:total-bytes-used-by-memory-consumers \
      --set "column-name:Memory Consumer Total (GB)" --set statistic-type:raw \
      --set divide-value-by:1073741824