Class FileBasedEventHandlerConfiguration.FileRetention

    • Field Detail


        public static final int UNLIMITED_HISTORY_FILES
        The value of number of history files to use when the value is unlimited.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final long ANY_DISK_SPACE
        The disk space value when disk space is unrestricted.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileRetention

        public FileRetention()
    • Method Detail

      • getMaxNumberOfHistoryFiles

        public int getMaxNumberOfHistoryFiles()
        Gets the maximum number of historical log files to retain. -1 disables pruning of old history files.
        The maximum number of log files. -1 disables pruning of old history files.
      • setMaxNumberOfHistoryFiles

        public void setMaxNumberOfHistoryFiles​(int maxNumberOfHistoryFiles)
        Sets the maximum number of historical log files to retain. -1 disables pruning of old history files.
        maxNumberOfHistoryFiles - The maximum number of log files. -1 disables pruning of old history files.
      • getMaxDiskSpaceToUse

        public long getMaxDiskSpaceToUse()
        Gets the maximum disk space the audit logs can occupy. A negative or zero value indicates this policy is disabled.
        The maximum disk space the audit logs can occupy.
      • setMaxDiskSpaceToUse

        public void setMaxDiskSpaceToUse​(long maxDiskSpaceToUse)
        Sets the maximum disk space the audit logs can occupy. A negative or zero value indicates this policy is disabled.
        maxDiskSpaceToUse - The maximum disk space the audit logs can occupy.
      • getMinFreeSpaceRequired

        public long getMinFreeSpaceRequired()
        Gets the minimum free space the system must contain. A negative or zero value indicates this policy is disabled.
        The minimum free space the system must contain.
      • setMinFreeSpaceRequired

        public void setMinFreeSpaceRequired​(long minFreeSpaceRequired)
        Sets the minimum free space the system must contain. A negative or zero value indicates this policy is disabled.
        minFreeSpaceRequired - The minimum free space the system must contain.