Class SplunkAuditEventHandlerConfiguration.BufferingConfiguration

    • Constructor Detail

      • BufferingConfiguration

        public BufferingConfiguration()
    • Method Detail

      • getMaxSize

        public int getMaxSize()
        Gets the buffer capacity, which are the maximum number of events that can be buffered.
        buffer capacity
      • setMaxSize

        public void setMaxSize​(int maxSize)
        Sets the buffer capacity, which are the maximum number of events that can be buffered.
        maxSize - buffer capacity
      • getWriteInterval

        public String getWriteInterval()
        Gets the interval for reading events from the buffer to transmit to splunk.
        Interval (e.g., "20 millis")
      • setWriteInterval

        public void setWriteInterval​(String writeInterval)
        Sets the interval for reading events from the buffer to transmit to splunk.
        writeInterval - Interval (e.g., "20 millis")
      • getMaxBatchedEvents

        public int getMaxBatchedEvents()
        Gets the maximum number of events to read from the buffer on each interval.
        Batch size
      • setMaxBatchedEvents

        public void setMaxBatchedEvents​(int maxBatchedEvents)
        Sets the maximum number of events to read from the buffer on each interval.
        maxBatchedEvents - Batch size