Interface ConnectionFactory

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AutoCloseable, Closeable

    public interface ConnectionFactory
    extends Closeable
    A connection factory provides an interface for obtaining a connection to a JSON resource provider. Connection factories can be used to wrap other connection factories in order to provide enhanced capabilities in a manner which is transparent to the application. For example:
    • Connection pooling
    • Load balancing
    • Keep alive
    • Logging connections
    • Read-only connections
    An application typically obtains a connection from a connection factory, performs one or more operations, and then closes the connection. Applications should aim to close connections as soon as possible in order to avoid resource contention.
    • Method Detail

      • close

        void close()
        Releases any resources associated with this connection factory. Depending on the implementation a factory may:
        • do nothing
        • close underlying connection factories (e.g. load-balancers)
        • close pooled connections (e.g. connection pools)
        • shutdown IO event service and related thread pools (e.g. Grizzly).
        Calling close on a connection factory which is already closed has no effect.

        Applications should avoid closing connection factories while there are remaining active connections in use or connection attempts in progress.

        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable
        See Also:
      • getConnection

        Connection getConnection()
                          throws ResourceException
        Returns a connection to the JSON resource provider associated with this connection factory. The connection returned by this method can be used immediately.
        A connection to the JSON resource provider associated with this connection factory.
        ResourceException - If the connection request failed for some reason.
      • getConnectionAsync

        Promise<Connection,​ResourceException> getConnectionAsync()
        Asynchronously obtains a connection to the JSON resource provider associated with this connection factory. The returned FutureResult can be used to retrieve the completed connection.
        A future which can be used to retrieve the connection.