class |
BadRequestException |
An exception that is thrown during a operation on a resource when the
requested operation is malformed.
class |
ConflictException |
An exception that is thrown during a operation on a resource when such an
operation would result in a conflict.
class |
CreateNotSupportedException |
A specific exception for when Create is not supported, but Upsert might be being attempted so distinguish from
other BadRequestException s.
class |
ForbiddenException |
An exception that is thrown when access to a resource is forbidden during an
operation on an resource.
class |
InternalServerErrorException |
An exception that is thrown during an operation on a resource when the server
encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the
class |
NotFoundException |
An exception that is thrown when a specified resource cannot be found.
class |
NotSupportedException |
An exception that is thrown during an operation on a resource when the
resource does not implement/support the feature to fulfill the request.
class |
PermanentException |
An exception that indicates that a failure is permanent, i.e.
class |
PreconditionFailedException |
An exception that is thrown to indicate that a resource's current version
does not match the version provided.
class |
PreconditionRequiredException |
An exception that is thrown to indicate that a resource requires a version,
but no version was supplied in the request.
class |
ResourceException |
An exception that is thrown during the processing of a JSON resource request.
class |
RetryableException |
An exception that indicates that a failure may be temporary, and that
retrying the same request may be able to succeed in the future.
class |
ServiceUnavailableException |
An exception that is thrown during an operation on a resource when the server
is temporarily unable to handle the request.
class |
UncategorizedException |
An exception that indicates that a failure is not directly known to the
system, and hence requires out-of-band knowledge or enhancements to determine
if a failure should be categorized as temporary or permanent.
class |
UnsupportedMediaTypeException |
Indicates a 415 Unsupported Media Type response that the Content-Type of the request was not acceptable.