Class AdministratorAction

  • public final class AdministratorAction
    extends Object
    Defines an optional action which administators must perform after they have modified a property. By default modifications to properties are assumed to take effect immediately and require no additional administrative action. Developers should be aware that, where feasible, they should implement components such that property modifications require no additional administrative action. This is required in order to minimize server downtime during administration and provide a more user-friendly experience.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AdministratorAction

        public AdministratorAction​(AdministratorAction.Type type,
                                   AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?,​?> d,
                                   String propertyName)
        Create a new administrator action.
        type - The type of this administration action.
        d - The managed object definition associated with this administrator action.
        propertyName - The name of the property definition associated with this administrator action.
    • Method Detail

      • getSynopsis

        public LocalizableMessage getSynopsis()
        Gets the synopsis of this administrator action in the default locale.
        Returns the synopsis of this administrator action in the default locale, or null if there is no synopsis defined.
      • getSynopsis

        public LocalizableMessage getSynopsis​(Locale locale)
        Gets the synopsis of this administrator action in the specified locale.
        locale - The locale.
        Returns the synopsis of this administrator action in the specified locale, or null if there is no synopsis defined.
      • getType

        public AdministratorAction.Type getType()
        Gets the type of this administrator action.
        Returns the type of this administrator action.