Interface ManagedObjectPathSerializer

  • public interface ManagedObjectPathSerializer
    A strategy for serializing managed object paths.

    This interface provides a generic means for serializing managed object paths into application specific forms. For example, a client would use this interface to construct DN objects from a path. Similarly, on the server side, a serialization strategy is used to construct DN instances from a path.

    During serialization the serializer is invoked for each element in the managed object path in big-endian order, starting from the root and proceeding down to the leaf element.

    • Method Detail

      • appendManagedObjectPathElement

        <C extends ConfigurationClient,​S extends Configuration> void appendManagedObjectPathElement​(InstantiableRelationDefinition<? super C,​? super S> r,
                                                                                                          AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C,​S> d,
                                                                                                          String name)
        Append a managed object path element identified by an instantiable relation and an instance name.
        Type Parameters:
        C - The type of client managed object configuration that this path element references.
        S - The type of server managed object configuration that this path element references.
        r - The instantiable relation.
        d - The managed object definition.
        name - The instance name.
      • appendManagedObjectPathElement

        <C extends ConfigurationClient,​S extends Configuration> void appendManagedObjectPathElement​(OptionalRelationDefinition<? super C,​? super S> r,
                                                                                                          AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C,​S> d)
        Append a managed object path element identified by an optional relation.
        Type Parameters:
        C - The type of client managed object configuration that this path element references.
        S - The type of server managed object configuration that this path element references.
        r - The optional relation.
        d - The managed object definition.
      • appendManagedObjectPathElement

        <C extends ConfigurationClient,​S extends Configuration> void appendManagedObjectPathElement​(SingletonRelationDefinition<? super C,​? super S> r,
                                                                                                          AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C,​S> d)
        Append a managed object path element identified by a singleton relation.
        Type Parameters:
        C - The type of client managed object configuration that this path element references.
        S - The type of server managed object configuration that this path element references.
        r - The singleton relation.
        d - The managed object definition.
      • appendManagedObjectPathElement

        <C extends ConfigurationClient,​S extends Configuration> void appendManagedObjectPathElement​(SetRelationDefinition<? super C,​? super S> r,
                                                                                                          AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<C,​S> d)
        Append a managed object path element identified by a set relation.
        Type Parameters:
        C - The type of client managed object configuration that this path element references.
        S - The type of server managed object configuration that this path element references.
        r - The set relation.
        d - The managed object definition.