Class ManagedObjectDecodingException

    • Constructor Detail

      • ManagedObjectDecodingException

        public ManagedObjectDecodingException​(ManagedObject<?> partialManagedObject,
                                              Collection<PropertyException> causes)
        Create a new property decoding exception.
        partialManagedObject - The partially created managed object containing properties which were successfully decoded and empty properties for those which were not (this may include empty mandatory properties).
        causes - The exception(s) that caused this decoding exception.
    • Method Detail

      • getCauses

        public Collection<PropertyException> getCauses()
        Get an unmodifiable collection view of the causes of this exception.
        Returns an unmodifiable collection view of the causes of this exception.
      • getPartialManagedObject

        public ManagedObject<?> getPartialManagedObject()
        Get the partially created managed object containing properties which were successfully decoded and empty properties for those which were not (this may include empty mandatory properties).
        Returns the partially created managed object containing properties which were successfully decoded and empty properties for those which were not (this may include empty mandatory properties).