Class ScramCredentialCallback

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class ScramCredentialCallback
    extends Object
    implements Callback
    Server-side callback for obtaining the stored SCRAM credential for a given user and mechanism. (The identity of the user will have already been communicated using a NameCallback. Server implementations should retrieve the stored SCRAM credentials and pass them back by calling setScramCredential( If the credentials cannot be obtained, perhaps because the user does not exist, their account is locked, or the stored credentials are incompatible with the requested SCRAM mechanism, then the server implementation should terminate the SASL authentication by not setting any credentials.
    • Method Detail

      • getScramMechanism

        public String getScramMechanism()
        Returns the SCRAM mechanism associated with the authentication request. Server implementations should ensure that the stored credentials are compatible with the mechanism.
        The SCRAM mechanism associated with the authentication request.
      • setScramCredential

        public void setScramCredential​(ScramCredential scramCredential)
        Sets the SCRAM credential associated with the authenticating user.
        scramCredential - The SCRAM credential associated with the authenticating user.