Class Promises.Results

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class Promises.Results
    extends Object
    Ordered list of joined asynchronous results.

    Order of the results is guaranteed to be the same as the order of joined promises, so that results can be accessed safely using their index with get(int).

         Promise<String, IOException> p1 = ...
         Promise<Integer, Exception> p2 = ...
         Promises.join(Arrays.asList(p1, p2))
                 .then(results -> {
                   String text = results.get(0);
                   int times = results.get(1);
                   return text + "" + times;
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public <T> T get​(int i)
        Returns the result stored at the index i.

        Note that an un-checked cast is done.

        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the result
        i - index of the result
        the result stored at the index i.
        ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - when index i does not represent a result, i.e. no promise was submitted at this index.