Class ConfigMessages

  • public final class ConfigMessages
    extends Object
    This file contains localizable message descriptors having the resource name org.opends.messages.config. This file was generated automatically by the opendj-maven-plugin from the property file org/opends/messages/ and it should not be manually edited.
    • Field Detail


        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_ATTR_INVALID_BOOLEAN_VALUE
        Unable to set the value for Boolean configuration attribute %s because the provided value %s was not either 'true' or 'false'

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_ATTR_INVALID_INT_VALUE
        Unable to set the value for integer configuration attribute %s because the provided value %s cannot be interpreted as an integer value: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Number,​Number> ERR_CONFIG_ATTR_INT_BELOW_LOWER_BOUND
        Unable to set the value for configuration attribute %s because the provided value %d is less than the lowest allowed value of %d

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Number,​Number> ERR_CONFIG_ATTR_INT_ABOVE_UPPER_BOUND
        Unable to set the value for configuration attribute %s because the provided value %d is greater than the largest allowed value of %d

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST
        The specified configuration file %s does not exist or is not readable

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_READ
        An error occurred while attempting to open the configuration file %s for reading: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_INVALID_BASE_DN
        The first entry read from LDIF configuration file %s had a DN of "%s" rather than the expected "%s" which should be used as the Directory Server configuration root

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_GENERIC_ERROR
        An unexpected error occurred while attempting to process the Directory Server configuration file %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_CANNOT_DETERMINE_SERVER_ROOT
        Unable to determine the Directory Server instance root from either an environment variable or based on the location of the configuration file. Please set an environment variable named %s with a value containing the absolute path to the server installation root

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_CONFIG_FILE_UNWILLING_TO_IMPORT
        The Directory Server configuration may not be altered by importing a new configuration from LDIF

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 WARN_CONFIG_LOGGER_NO_ACTIVE_ACCESS_LOGGERS
        There are no active access loggers defined in the Directory Server configuration. No access logging will be performed

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 WARN_CONFIG_LOGGER_NO_ACTIVE_ERROR_LOGGERS
        There are no active error loggers defined in the Directory Server configuration. No error logging will be performed

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_LOGGER_CANNOT_CREATE_LOGGER
        An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server logger from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_LOGGER_INVALID_OBJECTCLASS
        Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid objectclass for a Directory Server access, error, or debug logger definition

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_LOGGER_INVALID_ACCESS_LOGGER_CLASS
        Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server access logger: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_LOGGER_INVALID_ERROR_LOGGER_CLASS
        Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server error logger: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_LOGGER_INVALID_DEBUG_LOGGER_CLASS
        Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server debug logger: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_JMX_ATTR_NO_ATTR
        Configuration entry %s does not contain attribute %s (or that attribute exists but is not accessible using JMX)

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_JMX_CANNOT_REGISTER_MBEAN
        The Directory Server could not register a JMX MBean for the component associated with configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_LDIF_WRITE_ERROR
        An unexpected error occurred while trying to export the Directory Server configuration to LDIF: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Number,​Number> ERR_CONFIG_WORK_QUEUE_TOO_MANY_FAILURES
        Worker thread "%s" has experienced too many repeated failures while attempting to retrieve the next operation from the work queue (%d failures experienced, maximum of %d failures allowed). This worker thread will be destroyed

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_WORK_QUEUE_CANNOT_CREATE_MONITOR
        A problem occurred while trying to create and start an instance of class %s to use as a monitor provider for the Directory Server work queue: %s. No monitor information will be available for the work queue

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_CANNOT_REGISTER_AS_PRIVATE_SUFFIX
        An unexpected error occurred while trying to register the configuration handler base DN "%s" as a private suffix with the Directory Server: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_CONFIG_BACKEND_BASE_DOES_NOT_EXIST
        The entry cn=Backends,cn=config does not appear to exist in the Directory Server configuration. This is a required entry

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_BACKEND_ERROR_INTERACTING_WITH_BACKEND_ENTRY
        An unexpected error occurred while interacting with backend configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_CONFIG_BACKEND_DISABLED
        The backend defined in configuration entry %s is marked as disabled and therefore will not be used

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_BACKEND_UNABLE_TO_DETERMINE_ENABLED_STATE
        An unexpected error occurred while attempting to determine whether the backend associated with configuration entry %s should be enabled or disabled: %s. It will be disabled

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_BACKEND_CANNOT_INSTANTIATE
        The Directory Server was unable to load class %s and use it to create a backend instance as defined in configuration entry %s. The error that occurred was: %s. This backend will be disabled

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_BACKEND_CANNOT_INITIALIZE
        An error occurred while trying to initialize a backend loaded from class %s with the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This backend will be disabled

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> NOTE_CONFIG_BACKEND_ACTION_REQUIRED_TO_CHANGE_CLASS
        The requested change to configuration entry %s would cause the class for the associated backend to change from %s to %s. This change will not take effect until the backend is disabled and re-enabled, or until the Directory Server is restarted

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_CONNHANDLER_CANNOT_INITIALIZE
        An error occurred while trying to initialize a connection handler loaded from class %s with the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This connection handler will be disabled

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_SCHEMA_NO_SCHEMA_DIR
        Unable to read the Directory Server schema definitions because the schema directory %s does not exist

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_SCHEMA_DIR_NOT_DIRECTORY
        Unable to read the Directory Server schema definitions because the schema directory %s exists but is not a directory

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_SCHEMA_CANNOT_LIST_FILES
        Unable to read the Directory Server schema definitions from directory %s because an unexpected error occurred while trying to list the files in that directory: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> WARN_CONFIG_SCHEMA_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE
        Schema configuration file %s in directory %s cannot be parsed because an unexpected error occurred while trying to open the file for reading: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> WARN_CONFIG_SCHEMA_CANNOT_READ_LDIF_ENTRY
        Schema configuration file %s in directory %s cannot be parsed because an unexpected error occurred while trying to read its contents as an LDIF entry: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_ENTRYCACHE_CANNOT_INSTALL_DEFAULT_CACHE
        An unexpected error occurred that prevented the server from installing its default entry cache framework: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 WARN_CONFIG_ENTRYCACHE_NO_CONFIG_ENTRY
        The entry cache configuration entry "cn=Entry Caches,cn=config" does not exist in the Directory Server configuration. No entry cache will be available until this entry is created with a valid entry cache configuration

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_ENTRYCACHE_CANNOT_INITIALIZE_CACHE
        An error occurred while attempting to initialize an instance of class %s for use as the Directory Server entry cache: %s. As a result, the entry cache will be disabled

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_ENTRYCACHE_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLE
        The configuration for the entry cache defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Number> ERR_CONFIG_ENTRYCACHE_CONFIG_LEVEL_NOT_ACCEPTABLE
        The configuration for the entry cache defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: the entry cache level %d is already in use

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_PLUGIN_CANNOT_INITIALIZE
        An error occurred while attempting to initialize an instance of class %s as a Directory Server plugin using the information in configuration entry %s: %s. This plugin will be disabled

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_EXTOP_INVALID_CLASS
        Class %s specified in configuration entry %s does not contain a valid extended operation handler implementation: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_EXTOP_INITIALIZATION_FAILED
        An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an extended operation handler as defined in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_SASL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED
        An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a SASL mechanism handler as defined in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_DELETE_NO_PARENT_DN
        Entry %s cannot be removed from the Directory Server configuration because that DN does not have a parent

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_ADD_ALREADY_EXISTS
        Entry %s cannot be added to the Directory Server configuration because another configuration entry already exists with that DN

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_ADD_NO_PARENT_DN
        Entry %s cannot be added to the Directory Server configuration because that DN does not have a parent

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_ADD_NO_PARENT
        Entry %s cannot be added to the Directory Server configuration because its parent entry %s does not exist

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_ADD_REJECTED_BY_LISTENER
        The Directory Server is unwilling to add configuration entry %s because one of the add listeners registered with the parent entry %s rejected this change with the message: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_DELETE_NO_SUCH_ENTRY
        Entry %s cannot be removed from the Directory Server configuration because the specified entry does not exist

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_DELETE_HAS_CHILDREN
        Entry %s cannot be removed from the Directory Server configuration because the specified entry has one or more subordinate entries

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_DELETE_NO_PARENT
        Entry %s cannot be removed from the Directory Server configuration because the entry does not have a parent and removing the configuration root entry is not allowed

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_DELETE_REJECTED_BY_LISTENER
        Entry %s cannot be removed from the Directory Server configuration because one of the delete listeners registered with the parent entry %s rejected this change with the message: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_MODIFY_NO_SUCH_ENTRY
        Entry %s cannot be modified because the specified entry does not exist

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_MODIFY_REJECTED_BY_CHANGE_LISTENER
        Entry %s cannot be modified because one of the configuration change listeners registered for that entry rejected the change: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_WRITE_CANNOT_EXPORT_NEW_CONFIG
        An error occurred while attempting to export the new Directory Server configuration to file %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_WRITE_CANNOT_RENAME_NEW_CONFIG
        An error occurred while attempting to rename the new Directory Server configuration from file %s to %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_CONFIG_FILE_MODDN_NOT_ALLOWED
        Modify DN operations are not allowed in the Directory Server configuration

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_PWSCHEME_INITIALIZATION_FAILED
        An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a password storage scheme as defined in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_PWSCHEME_EXISTS
        Unable to add a new password storage scheme entry with DN %s because there is already a storage scheme registered with that DN

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> WARN_CONFIG_BACKEND_DUPLICATE_BACKEND_ID
        The backend defined in configuration entry %s has a backend ID of %s that conflicts with the backend ID for another backend in the server. The backend will be disabled

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_BACKEND_CANNOT_ACQUIRE_SHARED_LOCK
        The Directory Server was unable to acquire a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This generally means that the backend is in use by a process that requires an exclusive lock (e.g., importing from LDIF or restoring a backup). This backend will be disabled

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> WARN_CONFIG_BACKEND_CANNOT_RELEASE_SHARED_LOCK
        An error occurred while attempting to release a shared lock for backend %s: %s. This may interfere with operations that require exclusive access, including LDIF import and restoring a backup

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_IDMAPPER_INITIALIZATION_FAILED
        An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an identity mapper as defined in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_SYNCH_UNABLE_TO_INSTANTIATE_PROVIDER
        An error occurred while attempting to instantiate class %s referenced in synchronization provider configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_SYNCH_ERROR_INITIALIZING_PROVIDER
        An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Directory Server synchronization provider referenced in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_PWVALIDATOR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED
        An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a password validator as defined in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_PWGENERATOR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED
        An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a password generator as defined in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_CONFIG_PWPOLICY_NO_POLICIES
        No password policies have been defined below the cn=Password Policies,cn=config entry in the Directory Server configuration. At least one password policy configuration must be defined

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_PWPOLICY_INVALID_POLICY_CONFIG
        The password policy defined in configuration entry %s is invalid: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_PWPOLICY_MISSING_DEFAULT_POLICY
        The Directory Server default password policy is defined as %s, but that entry does not exist or is not below the password policy configuration base cn=Password Policies,cn=config

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_CONFIG_PWPOLICY_CANNOT_DELETE_DEFAULT_POLICY
        The specified entry %s is currently defined as the configuration entry for the default password policy. The default password policy configuration entry may not be removed

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> INFO_CONFIG_PWPOLICY_REMOVED_POLICY
        Password policy entry %s has been removed from the Directory Server configuration. Any user entries that explicitly reference this password policy will no longer be allowed to authenticate

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_AUTHZ_UNABLE_TO_INSTANTIATE_HANDLER
        An error occurred while attempting to instantiate class %s referenced in the access control configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_ACCTNOTHANDLER_INITIALIZATION_FAILED
        An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an account status notification handler as defined in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_ACCTNOTHANDLER_EXISTS
        Unable to add a new account status notification handler entry with DN %s because there is already a notification handler registered with that DN

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_UNABLE_TO_APPLY_STARTUP_CHANGES
        An error occurred while attempting to apply the changes contained in file %s to the server configuration at startup: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_UNABLE_TO_APPLY_CHANGES_FILE
        One or more errors occurred while applying changes on server startup: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_BACKEND_MODE_INVALID
        Configuration entry %s does not contain a valid value for configuration attribute ds-cfg-db-directory-permissions (It should be an UNIX permission mode in three-digit octal notation.)

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_BACKEND_INSANE_MODE
        Invalid UNIX file permissions %s does not allow read and write access to the backend database directory by the backend

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_CONFIG_PWPOLICY_NO_DEFAULT_POLICY
        No default password policy is configured for the Directory Server. The default password policy must be specified by the ds-cfg-default-password-policy attribute in the cn=config entry

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> WARN_CONFIG_BACKEND_CANNOT_REGISTER_BACKEND
        An error occurred while attempting to register backend %s with the Directory Server: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_CANNOT_CREATE_ARCHIVE_DIR
        An error occurred while trying to create the configuration archive directory %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_CANNOT_WRITE_CONFIG_ARCHIVE
        An error occurred while trying to write the current configuration to the configuration archive: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_CONFIG_FILE_ADD_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES
        You do not have sufficient privileges to perform add operations in the Directory Server configuration

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_CONFIG_FILE_DELETE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES
        You do not have sufficient privileges to perform delete operations in the Directory Server configuration

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_CONFIG_FILE_MODIFY_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES
        You do not have sufficient privileges to perform modify operations in the Directory Server configuration

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_CONFIG_FILE_MODDN_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES
        You do not have sufficient privileges to perform modify DN operations in the Directory Server configuration

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_CONFIG_FILE_SEARCH_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES
        You do not have sufficient privileges to perform search operations in the Directory Server configuration

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 ERR_CONFIG_FILE_MODIFY_PRIVS_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES
        You do not have sufficient privileges to change the set of default root privileges

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_CERTMAPPER_INITIALIZATION_FAILED
        An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a certificate mapper as defined in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_KEYMANAGER_INITIALIZATION_FAILED
        An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a key manager provider as defined in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_TRUSTMANAGER_INITIALIZATION_FAILED
        An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as a trust manager provider as defined in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_VATTR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED
        An error occurred while trying to load an instance of class %s referenced in configuration entry %s as a virtual attribute provider: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_VATTR_SV_TYPE_WITH_MV_PROVIDER
        The virtual attribute configuration in entry "%s" is not valid because attribute type %s is single-valued but provider %s may generate multiple values

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_VATTR_SV_TYPE_WITH_MERGE_VALUES
        The virtual attribute configuration in entry "%s" is not valid because attribute type %s is single-valued but the conflict behavior is configured to merge real and virtual values

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_MODIFY_STRUCTURAL_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED
        Configuration entry %s cannot be modified because the change would alter its structural object class

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> WARN_CONFIG_MANUAL_CHANGES_DETECTED
        The Directory Server has detected that one or more external changes have been made to the configuration file %s while the server was online, but another change has caused the server configuration to be overwritten. The manual changes have not been applied, but they have been preserved in file %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_MANUAL_CHANGES_LOST
        The Directory Server encountered an error while attempting to determine whether the configuration file %s has been externally edited with the server online, and/or trying to preserve such changes: %s. Any manual changes made to that file may have been lost

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_ROTATION_POLICY_INVALID_CLASS
        Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server log rotation policy: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_RETENTION_POLICY_INVALID_CLASS
        Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server log retention policy: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_ROTATION_POLICY_CANNOT_CREATE_POLICY
        An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server log rotation policy from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_RETENTION_POLICY_CANNOT_CREATE_POLICY
        An error occurred while attempting to create a Directory Server log retention policy from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_LOGGING_CANNOT_CREATE_WRITER
        An error occurred while attempting to create a text writer for a Directory Server logger from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> WARN_CONFIG_SCHEMA_MULTIPLE_ENTRIES_IN_FILE
        Schema configuration file %s in directory %s contains more than one entry. Only the first entry will be examined, and the additional entries will be ignored

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_CONFIG_PLUGIN_EMPTY_ELEMENT_IN_ORDER
        The plugin order definition for plugins of type %s contains an empty element. This may cause the plugin order to be evaluated incorrectly

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_CONFIG_PLUGIN_MULTIPLE_WILDCARDS_IN_ORDER
        The plugin order definition for plugins of type %s contains multiple wildcard characters. All plugin definitions should contain exactly one wildcard element to indicate where unmatched plugins should be included in the order, and including multiple wildcards may cause the plugin order to be evaluated incorrectly

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> WARN_CONFIG_PLUGIN_LISTED_MULTIPLE_TIMES
        The plugin order definition for plugins of type %s includes multiple references to the '%s' plugin. This may cause the plugin order to be evaluated incorrectly

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_CONFIG_PLUGIN_ORDER_NO_WILDCARD
        The plugin order definition for plugins of type %s does not include a wildcard element to indicate where unmatched plugins should be included in the order. The server will default to invoking all unnamed plugins after set of named plugins

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_WORK_QUEUE_INITIALIZATION_FAILED
        Unable to initialize an instance of class %s as a work queue as specified in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> INFO_CONFIG_WORK_QUEUE_CLASS_CHANGE_REQUIRES_RESTART
        The class used to provide the Directory Server work queue implementation has been changed from %s to %s, but this change will not take effect until the server is restarted

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_ADD_APPLY_FAILED
        The attempt to apply the configuration add failed. The preliminary checks were all successful and the entry was added to the server configuration, but at least one of the configuration add listeners reported an error when attempting to apply the change: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_DELETE_APPLY_FAILED
        The attempt to apply the configuration delete failed. The preliminary checks were all successful and the entry was removed from the server configuration, but at least one of the configuration delete listeners reported an error when attempting to apply the change: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_FILE_MODIFY_APPLY_FAILED
        The attempt to apply the configuration modification failed. The preliminary checks were all successful and the modified entry was written to the server configuration, but at least one of the configuration change listeners reported an error when attempting to apply the change: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_KEYMANAGER_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLE
        The configuration for the key manager provider defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_TRUSTMANAGER_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLE
        The configuration for the trust manager provider defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_AUTHZ_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLE
        The configuration for the trust manager provider defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_ACCTNOTHANDLER_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLE
        The configuration for the account status notification handler defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_CERTMAPPER_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLE
        The configuration for the certificate mapper defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_IDMAPPER_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLE
        The configuration for the identity mapper defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_PWGENERATOR_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLE
        The configuration for the password generator defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_PWSCHEME_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLE
        The configuration for the password storage scheme defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_PWVALIDATOR_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLE
        The configuration for the password validator defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_PLUGIN_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLE
        The configuration for the plugin defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_SASL_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLE
        The configuration for the SASL mechanism handler defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_VATTR_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLE
        The configuration for the virtual attribute provider defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_ALERTHANDLER_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLE
        The configuration for the alert handler defined in configuration entry %s was not acceptable: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_ALERTHANDLER_INITIALIZATION_FAILED
        An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an alert handler as defined in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_STARTOK_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_READING
        An error occurred while attempting to open the current configuration file %s for reading in order to copy it to the ".startok" file: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_STARTOK_CANNOT_WRITE
        An error occurred while attempting to copy the current configuration from file %s into temporary file %s for use as the ".startok" configuration file: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> NOTE_CONFIG_FILE_USING_STARTOK_FILE
        The Directory Server is starting using the last known good configuration file %s rather than the active configuration file %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> WARN_CONFIG_FILE_NO_STARTOK_FILE
        No last known good configuration file %s exists. The server will attempt to start using the active configuration file %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_JE_PROPERTY_INVALID_FORM
        An error occurred while trying to parse and validate Berkeley DB JE property %s: the property does not follow a singular property=value form

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_JE_PROPERTY_SHADOWS_CONFIG
        An error occurred while trying to parse and validate Berkeley DB JE property %s: the property shadows configuration attribute %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_JE_DUPLICATE_PROPERTY
        An error occurred while trying to parse and validate Berkeley DB JE property %s: the property is already defined for this component

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_LOGGING_INSANE_MODE
        Invalid UNIX file permissions %s does not allow write access to the log file by the log publisher

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_PWPOLICY_DEFAULT_POLICY_IS_WRONG_TYPE
        The configuration entry '%s' is currently defined to be the default password policy, however it is not a password policy

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_PWPOLICY_CANNOT_CHANGE_DEFAULT_POLICY_WRONG_TYPE
        The default password policy value '%s' is invalid because it refers to an authentication policy which is not a password policy

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_LOGGING_INVALID_TIME_FORMAT
        The timestamp format string "%s" is not a valid format string. The format string should conform to the syntax described in the documentation for the "java.text.SimpleDateFormat" class

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_LOGGING_INVALID_USER_DN_PATTERN
        The access log filtering criteria defined in "%s" could not be parsed because it contains an invalid user DN pattern "%s"

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_LOGGING_INVALID_TARGET_DN_PATTERN
        The access log filtering criteria defined in "%s" could not be parsed because it contains an invalid target DN pattern "%s"

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg0 WARN_CONFIG_LOGGER_NO_ACTIVE_HTTP_ACCESS_LOGGERS
        There are no active HTTP access loggers defined in the Directory Server configuration. No HTTP access logging will be performed

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_LOGGER_INVALID_HTTP_ACCESS_LOGGER_CLASS
        Class %s specified in attribute ds-cfg-java-class of configuration entry %s cannot be instantiated as a Directory Server HTTP access logger: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> WARN_CONFIG_LOGGING_UNSUPPORTED_FIELDS_IN_LOG_FORMAT
        The log format for %s contains the following unsupported fields: %s. Their output will be replaced with a dash ("-") character

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_LOGGER_CANNOT_UPDATE_LOGGER
        An error occurred while attempting to update a Directory Server logger from the information in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_CANNOT_CONFIGURE_JUL_LOGGER
        Cannot configure java.util.logging root logger level: %s. java.util.logging support is now disabled.

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_HTTPENDPOINT_INITIALIZATION_FAILED
        An error occurred while trying to initialize an instance of class %s as an HTTP endpoint as defined in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_HTTPENDPOINT_UNABLE_TO_START
        An error occurred while starting the HTTP endpoint as defined in configuration entry %s: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_HTTPENDPOINT_INVALID_CONFIGURATION
        The HTTP endpoint configuration defined in %s is invalid: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CANNOT_INITIALIZE_CONFIGURATION_FRAMEWORK
        Cannot initialize the configuration framework: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_CHILDREN_OF_CONFIGURATION_ENTRY
        Unable to retrieve children of configuration entry with dn: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_CONFIGURATION_ENABLED_SCHEMA
        Unable to load the configuration-enabled schema: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_BACKEND_CANNOT_DELETE_ENTRY
        Backend config error when trying to delete an entry: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_HTTPENDPOINT_INVALID_AUTHZ_DN
        The HTTP endpoint configuration defined in %s is referencing a non existing authorization DN %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_HTTPENDPOINT_CONFLICTING_AUTHZ_DN
        The HTTP endpoint configuration defined in %s is referencing mutually exclusive authorization DNs %s and %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_OAUTH2_NON_EXISTING_DIRECTORY
        The authorization mechanism defined in %s is referencing a non-existing or non-readable directory: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_AUTHZ_REFERENCED_DN_DOESNT_EXISTS
        The authorization mechanism defined in %s is referencing a non existing DN: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_BAD_ADMIN_API_RESOURCE_VERSION
        The requested admin API version '%s' is unsupported. This endpoint only supports the following admin API version(s): %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_SCHEMA_PROVIDER_CONFIG_NOT_ACCEPTABLE
        The configuration of schema provider '%s' is not acceptable for the following reasons: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg3<Object,​Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_SCHEMA_PROVIDER_CANT_BE_INITIALIZED
        The schema provider class '%s' could not be instantiated or initialized with the configuration '%s' : %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_CORE_SCHEMA_PROVIDER_DISABLED
        The core schema provider defined by '%s' has been disabled. The core schema must always be enabled.

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> WARN_CONFIG_SCHEMA_FILE_HAS_SCHEMA_WARNING
        The config schema file '%s' generated warning when trying to update schema with its content: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> WARN_CONFIG_SCHEMA_FILE_HAS_SCHEMA_WARNING_WITH_OVERWRITE
        The config schema file '%s' generated warning when trying to update schema with its content, despite allowing to overwrite definitions: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_BACKEND_BASE_IS_EMPTY
        Unable to configure the backend '%s' because one of its base DNs is the empty DN

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED_SSL_PROTOCOL
        Cannot configure new SSL protocols because the following protocols are not supported: %s. Look for supported protocols in 'cn=jvm,cn=monitor'

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED_SSL_CIPHER_SUITE
        Cannot configure new SSL cipher suites because the following cipher suites are not supported: %s. Look for supported cipher suites in 'cn=jvm,cn=monitor'

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_INVALID_REGEXP_EXCLUSION_PATTERN
        The metric name pattern to exclude '%s' cannot be parsed as a valid regular expression due to the following error: '%s'

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_INVALID_REGEXP_INCLUSION_PATTERN
        The metric name pattern to include '%s' cannot be parsed as a valid regular expression due to the following error: '%s'

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_MATCHING_RULE_INVALID_JSON_POINTER
        The list of keys defined for the JSON matching rule contains an invalid JSON pointer : %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_PROPERTY_RESOLVER_ERROR
        Cannot create the property resolver due to the following error: '%s'

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> ERR_CONFIG_ERROR_CREATING_MAILSSLSOCKETFACTORY
        Error creating SSL socket factory: %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg2<Object,​Object> ERR_CONFIG_UNABLE_TO_RESOLVE_HOST
        Unable to resolve the host for the listen address '%s' of the LDAP connection handler %s

        public static final LocalizableMessageDescriptor.Arg1<Object> WARN_CONFIG_ARCHIVE_FILE_INVALID
        The latest archived configuration file %s appears to be invalid. Forcing creation of a new one
    • Method Detail

      • resourceName

        public static String resourceName()
        Returns the name of the resource associated with the messages contained in this class. The resource name may be used for obtaining named loggers, e.g. using SLF4J's org.slf4j.LoggerFactory#getLogger(String name).
        The name of the resource associated with the messages contained in this class.