Interface TLSCapableConnection

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TLSCapableConnection
    This interface defines a set of methods that must be implemented by a class (expected to be a client connection) that can dynamically enable and disable the TLS connection security provider. This will be used by the StartTLS extended operation handler to perform the core function of enabling TLS on an established connection.
    • Method Detail

      • prepareTLS

        boolean prepareTLS​(LocalizableMessageBuilder unavailableReason)
        Prepares this connection for using TLS and returns whether TLS protection is actually available for the underlying client connection. If there is any reason that TLS protection cannot be enabled on this client connection, then it should be appended to the provided buffer.
        unavailableReason - The buffer used to hold the reason that TLS is not available on the underlying client connection.
        true if TLS is available on the underlying client connection, or false if it is not.