Class DebugTracer

  • public final class DebugTracer
    extends Object
    Class for source-code tracing at the method level. One DebugTracer instance exists for each Java class using tracing. Tracer must be registered with the DebugLogger. Logging is always done at a level basis, with debug log messages exceeding the trace threshold being traced, others being discarded.
    • Method Detail

      • trace

        public void trace​(String msg)
        Log the provided message.
        msg - message to log.
      • traceException

        public void traceException​(String msg,
                                   Throwable exception)
        Log the provided message and exception.
        msg - the message
        exception - the exception caught. May be null.
      • enabled

        public boolean enabled()
        Indicates if logging is enabled for at least one category in a publisher.
        true if logging is enabled, false otherwise.