Class RmiConnector

  • public class RmiConnector
    extends Object
    The RMI connector class starts and stops the JMX RMI connector server. There are 2 different connector servers
    • the RMI Client connector server, supporting TLS-encrypted. communication, server authentication by certificate and client authentication by providing appropriate LDAP credentials through SASL/PLAIN.
    • the RMI client connector server, supporting TLS-encrypted communication, server authentication by certificate, client authentication by certificate and identity assertion through SASL/PLAIN.

    Each connector is registered into the JMX MBean server.

    • Field Detail

      • jmxRmiConnectorNoClientCertificate

        protected JMXConnectorServer jmxRmiConnectorNoClientCertificate
        The reference to the JMX connector client with no SSL client authentication.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RmiConnector

        public RmiConnector​(MBeanServer mbs,
                            JmxConnectionHandler jmxConnectionHandler)
        Create a new instance of RmiConnector .
        mbs - The MBean server.
        jmxConnectionHandler - The associated JMX Connection Handler
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public void initialize​(ServerContext serverContext)
        Activates the RMI Connectors. It starts the secure connectors.
        serverContext - the server context
      • finalizeConnectionHandler

        public void finalizeConnectionHandler​(boolean stopRegistry)
        Closes this connection handler so that it will no longer accept new client connections. It may or may not disconnect existing client connections based on the provided flag.
        stopRegistry - Indicates if the RMI registry should be stopped