Interface ServerId<T extends ServerId<T>>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The type of server ID
    All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    ReplicaId, ReplicationServerId

    public interface ServerId<T extends ServerId<T>>
    extends Comparable<T>
    Represents a server ID, which can identify either a directory server or a replication server.
    • Method Detail

      • numericId

        int numericId()
        Returns the numeric value of this serverId, as an int.

        The numeric value is used in the CSNs.

        this serverId as an int value
      • isNumericId

        static boolean isNumericId​(String name)
        Checks if the provided name represents a numeric value for a server id.

        Only integers up to five digits are considered acceptable.

        name - the server id
        true if the provided name represent an integer value for the server id
      • normalizedName

        String normalizedName()
        Returns the normalized name of this serverId.
        this serverId as a (normalized) String value
      • isBackwardCompatibleWithNumericId

        boolean isBackwardCompatibleWithNumericId()
        Returns if the serverId can be used as identifier with replication protocol versions before V11.
        if the serverId can be used as identifier with replication protocol versions before V11