Class HistoricalCsnRangeMatchingRuleImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class HistoricalCsnRangeMatchingRuleImpl
    extends Object
    implements MatchingRuleImpl
    Extensible matching rule to allow a range search on CSNs for a given replica.

    It uses the same index as HistoricalCsnOrderingMatchingRuleImpl, but emulates a range search on a multivalued attribute. We can do that because the index is ordered by replica id and we're interested on a range search for a single replica only.

    • Constructor Detail

      • HistoricalCsnRangeMatchingRuleImpl

        public HistoricalCsnRangeMatchingRuleImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • getAssertion

        public Assertion getAssertion​(Schema schema,
                                      ByteSequence assertionValue)
                               throws DecodeException
        Description copied from interface: MatchingRuleImpl
        Retrieves the normalized form of the provided assertion value, which is best suited for efficiently performing less than matching operations on that value. The assertion value is guaranteed to be valid against this matching rule's assertion syntax.
        Specified by:
        getAssertion in interface MatchingRuleImpl
        schema - The schema in which this matching rule is defined.
        assertionValue - The syntax checked assertion value to be normalized.
        The normalized version of the provided assertion value.
        DecodeException - if an syntax error occurred while parsing the value.
      • createIndexers

        public Collection<? extends Indexer> createIndexers​(Schema schema,
                                                            IndexingOptions options)
        Description copied from interface: MatchingRuleImpl
        Returns the indexers for this matching rule.
        Specified by:
        createIndexers in interface MatchingRuleImpl
        schema - The schema in which this matching rule is defined.
        options - The indexing options.
        a non null collection of indexers for this matching rule.