Class NotSupportedOldVersionPDUException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class NotSupportedOldVersionPDUException
    extends Exception
    This exception should be raised by the un-serialization code of a PDU (typically the constructor code with a byte[] parameter), when the detected PDU type (deduced from the first received byte of the message) is a PDU used in an older version of the replication protocol than the current one, and we do not support translation from this old version PDU to his matching PDU in the current protocol version (if it exists). Thus, the code catching this exception may decide special treatment, depending on the situation. For instance it may decide to trash the PDU and keep the connection opened, or to trash the PDU and close the connection...
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • NotSupportedOldVersionPDUException

        public NotSupportedOldVersionPDUException​(String pduStr,
                                                  short protocolVersion,
                                                  byte pduType)
        Exception constructor.
        pduStr - PDU description.
        protocolVersion - PDU protocol version.
        pduType - PDU number.
    • Method Detail

      • getProtocolVersion

        public short getProtocolVersion()
        Get the PDU protocol version.
        The PDU protocol version.