Class WindowProbeMsg

  • public final class WindowProbeMsg
    extends ReplicationMsg
    This message is used by LDAP or Replication Server that have been out of credit for a while and want to check if the remote servers is able to accept more messages.

    A sending entity that is blocked because its send window is closed for a while should create such a message to check that the window closure is valid.

    An entity that received such a message should respond with a WindowMsg indicating the current credit available.

    • Constructor Detail

      • WindowProbeMsg

        public WindowProbeMsg()
        Create a new WindowProbeMsg message.
      • WindowProbeMsg

        public WindowProbeMsg​(byte[] in)
                       throws DataFormatException
        Creates a new WindowProbeMsg from its encoded form.
        in - The byte array containing the encoded form of the WindowMessage.
        DataFormatException - If the byte array does not contain a valid encoded form of the WindowMessage.
    • Method Detail

      • getBytes

        public byte[] getBytes​(short protocolVersion)
        Description copied from class: ReplicationMsg
        Serializes the PDU using the provided replication protocol version. WARNING: should be overwritten by a PDU (sub class) we want to support older protocol version serialization for.
        Specified by:
        getBytes in class ReplicationMsg
        protocolVersion - The protocol version to use for serialization. The version should normally be older than the current one.
        The encoded PDU, or null if the message isn't supported in that protocol version.