Class SchemaHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ConfigurationAddListener<SchemaProviderCfg>, ConfigurationDeleteListener<SchemaProviderCfg>

    public final class SchemaHandler
    extends Object
    implements ConfigurationAddListener<SchemaProviderCfg>, ConfigurationDeleteListener<SchemaProviderCfg>
    Responsible for access to the server's schema.

    The schema handler initializes the schema in four steps :

    • Start from the core schema.
    • Add server specific syntaxes and matching rules
    • Load schema elements from the schema providers defined in configuration.
    • Load all schema files located in the schema directory.

    The schema handler provides read and write access to the schema.

    As schema is immutable, there is no risk to alter it outside this handler. However, no long-lived reference should be kept on the schema because further schema updates would be missed. It is advised to retrieve the server's schema from the handler for any operation.

    The server's schema can be updated using one of the updateSchema() method.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SchemaHandler

        public SchemaHandler()
        Creates a new instance.
    • Method Detail

      • getYoungestModificationTime

        public long getYoungestModificationTime()
        Returns the youngest modification time for schema files.
        the youngest modification time for any schema configuration file
      • getOldestModificationTime

        public long getOldestModificationTime()
        Returns the oldest modification time for schema files.
        the oldest modification time for any schema configuration file
      • isConfigurationAddAcceptable

        public boolean isConfigurationAddAcceptable​(SchemaProviderCfg config,
                                                    List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
        Description copied from interface: ConfigurationAddListener
        Indicates whether the proposed addition of a new configuration is acceptable to this add listener.
        Specified by:
        isConfigurationAddAcceptable in interface ConfigurationAddListener<SchemaProviderCfg>
        config - The configuration that will be added.
        unacceptableReasons - A list that can be used to hold messages about why the provided configuration is not acceptable.
        Returns true if the proposed addition is acceptable, or false if it is not.
      • detectChangesOnInitialization

        public void detectChangesOnInitialization()
                                           throws InitializationException
        Detects offline schema changes by comparing schema files and concatenated schema.

        Updates the concatenated schema if changes are detected.

        InitializationException - If an error occurs while updating the concatenated schema
      • getSchema

        public Schema getSchema()
        Returns the schema.
        the schema
      • getSchemaDirectoryPath

        public Path getSchemaDirectoryPath()
                                    throws InitializationException
        Retrieves the path to the directory containing the server schema files.
        The path to the directory containing the server schema files.
        InitializationException - If the directory path does not exists or is not a directory
      • getOfflineSchemaModifications

        public List<Modification> getOfflineSchemaModifications()
        Returns the list of offline modifications made to the schema, which is built once when initializing the schema.
        the offline schema modifications list
      • updateSchema

        public void updateSchema​(SchemaHandler.SchemaUpdater updater)
                          throws LdapException
        Updates the schema using the provided schema updater.

        The schema files are not updated.

        updater - the updater that performs modifications on the schema builder
        LdapException - if there is any problem updating the schema
      • updateSchema

        public void updateSchema​(Schema schema)
                          throws LdapException
        Replaces the schema with the provided schema.

        The schema files are not updated.

        schema - the new schema to use
        LdapException - if the provided schema contains warnings
      • updateSchemaAndSchemaFiles

        public void updateSchemaAndSchemaFiles​(Schema newSchema,
                                               Map<String,​Attribute> newExtraAttributes,
                                               SortedSet<String> modifiedSchemaFileNames,
                                               AlertGenerator alertGenerator)
                                        throws LdapException
        Replaces the schema with the provided schema and updates the provided set of schema files.

        The concatenated schema file is updated as well.

        newSchema - The new schema to use
        newExtraAttributes - The new map of extra attributes
        modifiedSchemaFileNames - The set of names of schema files that need to be updated
        alertGenerator - The generator to use for alerts
        LdapException - If an error occurs during update of schema or schema files
      • updateSchemaAndConcatenatedSchemaFile

        public void updateSchemaAndConcatenatedSchemaFile​(Schema newSchema)
                                                   throws LdapException
        Replaces the schema with the provided schema and update the concatenated schema file.
        newSchema - The new schema to use
        LdapException - If an error occurs during update of schema or schema files
      • updateSchemaOption

        public <T> void updateSchemaOption​(Option<T> option,
                                           T newValue)
                                    throws LdapException
        Updates the schema option if the new value differs from the old value.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the schema option's type
        option - the schema option to update
        newValue - the new value for the schema option
        LdapException - if there is any problem updating the schema
      • getExtraAttributes

        public Map<String,​Attribute> getExtraAttributes()
        Returns the mapping (oid, attribute) for extra attributes stored in this schema handler.
        The map of extra attributes
      • destroy

        public void destroy()
        Destroys the structures maintained by this handler so that they are no longer usable.

        This should only be called at the end of the server shutdown process, and it can help detect inappropriate cached references.

      • importEntry

        public void importEntry​(Entry newSchemaEntry,
                                AlertGenerator alertGenerator)
                         throws LdapException
        Imports the provided schema entry in the schema.

        The behavior is:

        • iterate over each element of the newSchemaEntry and compare with the existing schema
        • if the new schema element does not exist in current schema, add it to the schema
        • if an element of current schema is not in the new schema entry: delete it

        FIXME: currently, attributeTypes and objectClasses are the only elements taken into account.

        newSchemaEntry - The schema entry to be imported.
        alertGenerator - Alert generator to use.
        LdapException - If an error occurs during the import
      • loadSchemaFileIntoSchemaBuilder

        public void loadSchemaFileIntoSchemaBuilder​(Path schemaFile,
                                                    SchemaBuilder schemaBuilder,
                                                    Schema readSchema)
                                             throws InitializationException,
        Loads the contents of the provided schema file into the provided schema builder.

        This method has no effect on the current schema.

        schemaFile - The schema file to load.
        schemaBuilder - The schema builder to update.
        readSchema - The schema used to read the schema file.
        InitializationException - If a problem occurs when reading the schema file.
        ConfigException - If a problem occurs when updating the schema builder.
      • loadSchemaFileIntoSchemaBuilderAndReturnModifications

        public List<Modification> loadSchemaFileIntoSchemaBuilderAndReturnModifications​(Path schemaFile,
                                                                                        SchemaBuilder schemaBuilder,
                                                                                        Schema readSchema)
                                                                                 throws InitializationException,
        Loads the contents of the provided schema file into the provided schema builder and returns the list of modifications.

        This method has no effect on the current schema.

        schemaFile - The schema file to load.
        schemaBuilder - The schema builder to update.
        readSchema - The schema used to read the schema file.
        A list of the modifications that could be performed in order to obtain the contents of the file.
        ConfigException - If a configuration problem causes the schema element initialization to fail.
        InitializationException - If a problem occurs while initializing the schema elements that is not related to the server configuration.
      • isSchemaAttribute

        public static boolean isSchemaAttribute​(String attrOid)
        Checks if a given attribute oid corresponds to an attribute that is used by the definition of the schema.
        attrOid - The oid of the attribute to be checked.
        true if the attribute is part of the schema definition, false otherwise