Class JsonValueTraverseFunction

    • Constructor Detail

      • JsonValueTraverseFunction

        public JsonValueTraverseFunction​(Function<JsonValue,​?,​JsonValueException> transform)
        Construct the traversal function with a transformation function to apply to each array element nested object attribute value element, or primitive element.
        transform - a transformation function
    • Method Detail

      • traverseList

        protected Object traverseList​(JsonValue value)
        Transform a JsonValue List into another object. Default implementation is to return a new ArrayList filled with the elements on which we applied the transformations.
        value - the value to transform
        the transformed value
      • traverseMap

        protected Object traverseMap​(JsonValue value)
        Transform a JsonValue Map into another object. Default implementation is to return a new LinkedHashMap filled with the elements on which we applied the transformations.
        value - the value to transform
        the transformed value