Class ClientConstraintHandler

  • public abstract class ClientConstraintHandler
    extends Object
    An interface for performing client-side constraint validation.

    Constraints are evaluated immediately before the client performs a write operation. If one or more constraints fails, the write operation is refused and fails with an OperationRejectedException.

    A client constraint handler must override at least one of the provided methods.

    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientConstraintHandler

        protected ClientConstraintHandler()
        Creates a new client constraint handler.
    • Method Detail

      • isAddAcceptable

        public boolean isAddAcceptable​(ManagementContext context,
                                       ManagedObject<?> managedObject,
                                       Collection<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
                                throws LdapException
        Determines whether the newly created managed object which is about to be added to the server configuration satisfies this constraint.

        If the constraint is not satisfied, the implementation must return false and add a message describing why the constraint was not satisfied.

        The default implementation is to return true.

        context - The management context.
        managedObject - The new managed object.
        unacceptableReasons - A list of messages to which error messages should be added.
        Returns true if this constraint is satisfied, or false if it is not.
        LdapException - If an error occurs.
      • isModifyAcceptable

        public boolean isModifyAcceptable​(ManagementContext context,
                                          ManagedObject<?> managedObject,
                                          Collection<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
                                   throws LdapException
        Determines whether the changes to an existing managed object which are about to be committed to the server configuration satisfies this constraint.

        If the constraint is not satisfied, the implementation must return false and add a message describing why the constraint was not satisfied.

        The default implementation is to return true.

        context - The management context.
        managedObject - The modified managed object.
        unacceptableReasons - A list of messages to which error messages should be added.
        Returns true if this modify is satisfied, or false if it is not.
        LdapException - If an error occurs.
      • isDeleteAcceptable

        public boolean isDeleteAcceptable​(ManagementContext context,
                                          ManagedObjectPath<?,​?> path,
                                          Collection<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
                                   throws LdapException
        Determines whether the existing managed object which is about to be deleted from the server configuration satisfies this constraint.

        If the constraint is not satisfied, the implementation must return false and add a message describing why the constraint was not satisfied.

        The default implementation is to return true.

        context - The management context.
        path - The path of the managed object which is about to be deleted.
        unacceptableReasons - A list of messages to which error messages should be added.
        Returns true if this constraint is satisfied, or false if it is not.
        LdapException - If an error occurs.