Class ServerManagementContext

  • public final class ServerManagementContext
    extends Object
    Server management connection context.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ServerManagementContext

        public ServerManagementContext​(ConfigurationRepository repository,
                                       SubstitutionService substitutionService)
        Creates a context from the provided configuration repository.
        repository - The repository of configuration entries.
        substitutionService - The service to substitute commons-config expressions in configuration entries.
    • Method Detail

      • getManagedObject

        public <C extends ConfigurationClient,​S extends ConfigurationServerManagedObject<? extends S> getManagedObject​(ManagedObjectPath<C,​S> path)
                                                                                                                        throws ConfigException
        Gets the named managed object.
        Type Parameters:
        C - The type of client managed object configuration that the path definition refers to.
        S - The type of server managed object configuration that the path definition refers to.
        path - The path of the managed object.
        Returns the named managed object.
        ConfigException - If the named managed object could not be found or if it could not be decoded.
      • getRootConfiguration

        public RootCfg getRootConfiguration()
        Get the root configuration manager associated with this management context.
        the root configuration manager associated with this management context.
      • getRootConfigurationManagedObject

        public ServerManagedObject<RootCfg> getRootConfigurationManagedObject()
        Get the root configuration server managed object associated with this management context.
        the root configuration server managed object
      • listManagedObjects

        public <C extends ConfigurationClient,​S extends ConfigurationString[] listManagedObjects​(ManagedObjectPath<?,​?> parent,
                                                                                                         RelationDefinition<C,​S> relationDef)
        Lists the child managed objects of the named parent managed object.
        Type Parameters:
        C - The type of client managed object configuration that the relation definition refers to.
        S - The type of server managed object configuration that the relation definition refers to.
        parent - The path of the parent managed object.
        relationDef - The relation definition.
        Returns the names of the child managed objects.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the relation definition is not associated with the parent managed object's definition.
      • managedObjectExists

        public boolean managedObjectExists​(ManagedObjectPath<?,​?> path)
        Determines whether the named managed object exists.
        path - The path of the named managed object.
        Returns true if the named managed object exists, false otherwise.
      • getConfigRepository

        public ConfigurationRepository getConfigRepository()
        Returns the repository containing all configuration entries.
        the repository