Class ReplicationServiceDiscoveryMechanism

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable, ServiceDiscoveryMechanism

    public final class ReplicationServiceDiscoveryMechanism
    extends Object
    Service Discovery Mechanism retrieving information from a replication topology.

    The partitions returned by this class contain the directory servers that are part of the same topology as the configured replication servers.

    It will periodically query the topology to discover any new or removed servers and notify listeners of any changes.

    • Field Detail


        public static final Option<BindRequest> BIND_REQUEST
        The bind request to use to perform service discovery when connecting to servers.
        • Prerequisite for using external SASL: all replication servers must be able to map the certificate to an admin user.
        • Prerequisite for using simple bind: all replication servers must have the same admin DN and bindPassword.

        public static final Option<Set<com.forgerock.opendj.util.HostPort>> BOOTSTRAP_REPLICATION_SERVERS
        The addresses of one or more replication servers within the topology which this server should connect to in order to discover the rest of the topology.

        Addresses must be specified using the administration port of the remote replication servers using the syntax "hostname:admin-port". When using an IPv6 address as the hostname, put brackets around the address as in "[IPv6Address]:admin-port".


        public static final Option<String> PRIMARY_GROUP_ID
        Replication domain group ID of preferred directory server replicas.

        Directory server replicas with this replication domain group ID will be preferred over other directory server replicas. Secondary server replicas will only be used when all primary server replicas become unavailable.


        public static final Option<Duration> DISCOVERY_INTERVAL
        Interval between two replication server configuration discovery queries.

        Specifies how frequently to query a replication server configuration in order to discover information about available directory server replicas.

        Default value: 1m

    • Constructor Detail

      • ReplicationServiceDiscoveryMechanism

        public ReplicationServiceDiscoveryMechanism​(Options options)
        Initializes the mechanism with the provided options.
        options - the options for initialization