Class IP

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class IP
    extends Object
    implements KeywordBindRule
    This class represents a single ACI's IP bind rule expression. It is possible for that expression to contain several IP addresses to evaluate, so the class contains a list of classes that can evaluate a remote clients IP address for each IP address parsed from the bind rule.
    • Method Detail

      • decode

        public static KeywordBindRule decode​(String expr,
                                             org.opends.server.authorization.dseecompat.EnumBindRuleType type)
                                      throws AciException
        Decodes the provided IP bind rule expression string and returns an IP class the can be used to evaluate remote clients IP addresses.
        expr - The expression string from the ACI IP bind rule.
        type - An enumeration representing the expression type.
        A class that can be used to evaluate remote clients IP addresses.
        AciException - If there is a parsing error.
      • evaluate

        public EnumEvalResult evaluate​(AciEvalContext evalCtx)
        Perform an evaluation using the provided evaluation context's remote IP address information.
        Specified by:
        evaluate in interface KeywordBindRule
        evalCtx - An evaluation context containing the remote clients IP address information.
        An enumeration representing if the address matched.
      • toString

        public void toString​(StringBuilder buffer)
        Description copied from interface: KeywordBindRule
        Appends a string representation of this object to the provided buffer.
        Specified by:
        toString in interface KeywordBindRule
        buffer - The buffer into which a string representation of this object should be appended.