Class CommonAudit

  • public final class CommonAudit
    extends Object
    Entry point for the common audit facility.

    This class manages the AuditService instances and Audit Event Handlers that correspond to the publishers defined in OpenDJ configuration.

    In theory there should be only one instance of AuditService for all the event handlers but defining one service per handler allow to perform filtering at the DJ server level.

    • Field Detail


        public static final String DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_ID
        Transaction id used when the incoming request does not contain a transaction id.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • CommonAudit

        public CommonAudit​(ServerContext serverContext)
        Creates the common audit.
        serverContext - The server context.
    • Method Detail

      • shutdown

        public void shutdown()
        Shutdown common audit.
      • isHttpAccessLogEnabled

        public boolean isHttpAccessLogEnabled()
        Indicates if HTTP access logging is enabled for common audit.
        true if there is at least one HTTP access logger enabled for common audit.
      • getHttpLogRequestHandlers

        public Collection<? extends CommonAudit.HttpLogger> getHttpLogRequestHandlers()
        Returns the audit service that manages HTTP Access logging.
        the request handler that accepts audit events