Class OpendsRMIJRMPServerImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable, Remote, RMIServer

    public class OpendsRMIJRMPServerImpl
    extends RMIJRMPServerImpl
    An OpendsRMIJRMPServerImpl object that is exported through JRMP and that creates client connections as RMI objects exported through JRMP.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OpendsRMIJRMPServerImpl

        public OpendsRMIJRMPServerImpl​(int port,
                                       RMIClientSocketFactory csf,
                                       RMIServerSocketFactory ssf,
                                       Map<String,​?> env)
                                throws IOException
        Creates a new RMIServer object that will be exported on the given port using the given socket factories.
        port - the port on which this object and the RMIConnectionImpl objects it creates will be exported. Can be zero, to indicate any available port
        csf - the client socket factory for the created RMI objects. Can be null.
        ssf - the server socket factory for the created RMI objects. Can be null.
        env - the environment map. Can be null.
        IOException - if the RMIServer object cannot be created.