Class InitializeTask

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class InitializeTask
    extends Task
    This class provides an implementation of a Directory Server task that can be used to import data over the replication protocol from another server hosting the same replication domain.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InitializeTask

        public InitializeTask()
    • Method Detail

      • getDisplayName

        public LocalizableMessage getDisplayName()
        Description copied from class: Task
        Gets a message that identifies this type of task suitable for presentation to humans in monitoring tools.
        getDisplayName in class Task
        name of task
      • initializeTask

        public void initializeTask​(Entry taskEntry)
                            throws LdapException
        Description copied from class: Task
        Performs any task-specific initialization that may be required before processing can start. This default implementation does not do anything, but subclasses may override it as necessary. This method will be called at the time the task is scheduled, and therefore any failure in this method will be returned to the client.
        initializeTask in class Task
        taskEntry - the task entry
        LdapException - If a problem occurs during initialization that should be returned to the client.
      • runTask

        protected TaskState runTask()
        Description copied from class: Task
        Performs the actual core processing for this task. This method should not return until all processing associated with this task has completed.
        Specified by:
        runTask in class Task
        The final state to use for the task.
      • interruptTask

        public void interruptTask​(TaskState interruptState,
                                  LocalizableMessage interruptReason)
        Description copied from class: Task
        Performs any necessary processing to prematurely interrupt the execution of this task. By default no action is performed, but if it is feasible to gracefully interrupt a task, then subclasses should override this method to do so. Implementations of this method are expected to call Task.setTaskInterruptState(TaskState) if the interruption is accepted by this task.
        interruptTask in class Task
        interruptState - The state to use for the task if it is successfully interrupted.
        interruptReason - A human-readable explanation for the cancellation.
      • updateTaskCompletionState

        public void updateTaskCompletionState​(LdapException e)
        Set the state for the current task.
        e - When the new state is different from COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY this is the exception that contains the cause of the failure.
      • retry

        public void retry​(LdapException reason)
        The task was not successful but can be retried, set the state accordingly.
        reason - this is the exception that contains the reason for the retry
      • getWorkCounters

        public Task.WorkCounters getWorkCounters()
        Returns the work counters for the initialization operation.
        the work counters for the initialization operation