Class DropwizardMeterRegistry

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DropwizardMeterRegistry
    extends AbstractMeterRegistry
    Implementation of a MeterRegistry supporting tags using dropwizard metric types.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DropwizardMeterRegistry

        public DropwizardMeterRegistry​(Clock clock)
        Constructor for this class.
        clock - the clock
      • DropwizardMeterRegistry

        public DropwizardMeterRegistry​(Clock clock,
                                       Supplier<com.codahale.metrics.Reservoir> newReservoirSupplier)
        Constructor for this class.
        clock - the clock
        newReservoirSupplier - supplies a new reservoir
    • Method Detail

      • newGauge

        protected <T> Gauge newGauge​(Meter.Id id,
                                     T obj,
                                     ToDoubleFunction<T> valueFunction)
        Description copied from class: AbstractMeterRegistry
        Build a new gauge to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the gauge doesn't already exist.
        Specified by:
        newGauge in class AbstractMeterRegistry
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the state object from which the gauge value is extracted.
        id - The id that uniquely identifies the gauge.
        obj - State object used to compute a value.
        valueFunction - Function that is applied on the value for the number.
        A new gauge.
      • newCounter

        protected Counter newCounter​(Meter.Id id)
        Description copied from class: AbstractMeterRegistry
        Build a new counter to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the counter doesn't already exist.
        Specified by:
        newCounter in class AbstractMeterRegistry
        id - The id that uniquely identifies the counter.
        A new counter.
      • newTimer

        protected Timer newTimer​(Meter.Id id,
                                 HistogramConfig histogramConfig,
                                 PauseDetector pauseDetector)
        Description copied from class: AbstractMeterRegistry
        Build a new timer to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the timer doesn't already exist.
        Specified by:
        newTimer in class AbstractMeterRegistry
        id - The id that uniquely identifies the timer.
        histogramConfig - the configuration for the histogram.
        pauseDetector - the pause detector.
        A new timer.
      • newDistributionSummary

        protected DistributionSummary newDistributionSummary​(Meter.Id id,
                                                             HistogramConfig histogramConfig)
        Description copied from class: AbstractMeterRegistry
        Build a new distribution summary to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the distribution summary doesn't already exist.
        Specified by:
        newDistributionSummary in class AbstractMeterRegistry
        id - The id that uniquely identifies the distribution summary.
        histogramConfig - the configuration for the histogram.
        A new distribution summary.
      • newMeter

        protected Meter newMeter​(Meter.Id id,
                                 Meter.Type type,
                                 Iterable<Measurement> measurements)
        Description copied from class: AbstractMeterRegistry
        Build a new custom meter to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the custom meter doesn't already exist.
        Specified by:
        newMeter in class AbstractMeterRegistry
        id - The id that uniquely identifies the custom meter.
        type - The type of meter.
        measurements - the measurements.
        A new custom meter.
      • defaultHistogramConfig

        protected HistogramConfig defaultHistogramConfig()
        Description copied from class: AbstractMeterRegistry
        Every custom registry implementation should define a default histogram expiry.
        Specified by:
        defaultHistogramConfig in class AbstractMeterRegistry
        the configuration for the histogram.