Class Deprecated

  • public final class Deprecated
    extends Object
    Holds deprecation information of configuration objects or properties. These can be:
    • Deprecated (for removal): the configuration object or property has been replaced with an improved version, and it is no longer under development. Example : SNMP connection handler. There are better alternatives (Prometheus), this feature is based on a library that is no longer maintained and unlikely to compile in future.
    • Legacy (not recommended): where configuration object or property is not a best practice anymore but is supported for interoperability and migration reasons. Example : DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism. This SASL mechanism uses cryptography with known weaknesses and shouldn't be used in production. However, for interoperability with legacy systems, it may be supported.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Deprecated

        public Deprecated​(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?,​?> d,
                          String propertyName,
                          boolean forRemoval,
                          com.forgerock.opendj.util.Version since,
                          Condition isEnabledCondition)
        Public constructor.
        d - The managed object definition
        propertyName - The property name of managed object that is marked as deprecated. Must be null when the deprecation applies to the managed object itself.
        forRemoval - Is component deprecated for removal in future release.
        since - The version that indicates when this component was deprecated for removal
        isEnabledCondition - A condition under which the deprecation is considered to be enabled.
    • Method Detail

      • isForRemoval

        public boolean isForRemoval()
        Gets the forRemoval of this deprecated definition.
        Returns the forRemoval of this deprecated definition.
      • getSince

        public com.forgerock.opendj.util.Version getSince()
        Gets the since property of this deprecated definition.
        Returns the since property of this deprecated definition.
      • getIsEnabledCondition

        public Condition getIsEnabledCondition()
        Gets the isEnabledCondition of this deprecated definition.
        Returns the isEnabledCondition of this deprecated definition.
      • getDeprecationMessage

        public LocalizableMessage getDeprecationMessage()
        Gets the deprecation message.
        Short localizable deprecation message.
      • getFullDeprecationMessage

        public LocalizableMessage getFullDeprecationMessage()
        Gets the full deprecation message with reason of deprecation and existing alternative(s).
        Full localizable deprecation message.