Class LdapProfile.Wrapper

  • Enclosing class:

    public abstract static class LdapProfile.Wrapper
    extends Object
    LDAP profile wrappers can be used to provide temporary LDAP profile information for components which do not have LDAP profile property files. These components are typically "mock" components used in unit-tests.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Wrapper

        protected Wrapper()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • getAttributeName

        public String getAttributeName​(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?,​?> d,
                                       PropertyDefinition<?> pd)
        Get the name of the LDAP attribute associated with the specified property definition.

        The default implementation of this method is to return null.

        d - The managed object definition.
        pd - The property definition.
        Returns the name of the LDAP attribute associated with the specified property definition, or null if the property definition is not handled by this LDAP profile wrapper.
      • getRelationChildRdnType

        public String getRelationChildRdnType​(InstantiableRelationDefinition<?,​?> r)
        Gets the LDAP RDN attribute type for child entries of an instantiable relation.

        The default implementation of this method is to return null.

        r - The instantiable relation.
        Returns the LDAP RDN attribute type for child entries of an instantiable relation, or null if the instantiable relation is not handled by this LDAP profile wrapper.
      • getObjectClass

        public String getObjectClass​(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?,​?> d)
        Get the principle object class associated with the specifiedset relation,

        The default implementation of this method is to return null.

        d - The managed object definition.
        Returns the principle object class associated with the specified definition, or null if the managed object definition is not handled by this LDAP profile wrapper.
      • getRelationRdnSequence

        public String getRelationRdnSequence​(RelationDefinition<?,​?> r)
        Get an LDAP RDN sequence associated with a relation.

        The default implementation of this method is to return null.

        r - The relation.
        Returns the LDAP RDN sequence associated with a relation, or null if the relation is not handled by this LDAP profile wrapper.