Class StringPropertyDefinition

    • Method Detail

      • createBuilder

        public static StringPropertyDefinition.Builder createBuilder​(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?,​?> d,
                                                                     String propertyName)
        Create a string property definition builder.
        d - The managed object definition associated with this property definition.
        propertyName - The property name.
        Returns the new string property definition builder.
      • accept

        public <R,​P> R accept​(PropertyDefinitionVisitor<R,​P> v,
                                    P p)
        Description copied from class: PropertyDefinition
        Apply a visitor to this property definition.
        Specified by:
        accept in class PropertyDefinition<String>
        Type Parameters:
        R - The return type of the visitor's methods.
        P - The type of the additional parameters to the visitor's methods.
        v - The property definition visitor.
        p - Optional additional visitor parameter.
        Returns a result as specified by the visitor.
      • accept

        public <R,​P> R accept​(PropertyValueVisitor<R,​P> v,
                                    ValueOrExpression<String> value,
                                    P p)
        Description copied from class: PropertyDefinition
        Apply a visitor to a property value associated with this property definition.
        Specified by:
        accept in class PropertyDefinition<String>
        Type Parameters:
        R - The return type of the visitor's methods.
        P - The type of the additional parameters to the visitor's methods.
        v - The property value visitor.
        value - The property value.
        p - Optional additional visitor parameter.
        Returns a result as specified by the visitor.
      • getPattern

        public Pattern getPattern()
        Gets the optional regular expression pattern which values of this property must match.
        Returns the optional regular expression pattern which values of this property must match, or null if there is no pattern.
      • getPatternSynopsis

        public LocalizableMessage getPatternSynopsis()
        Gets the pattern synopsis of this string property definition in the default locale.
        Returns the pattern synopsis of this string property definition in the default locale, or null if there is no pattern synopsis (which is the case when there is no pattern matching defined for this string property definition).
      • getPatternSynopsis

        public LocalizableMessage getPatternSynopsis​(Locale locale)
        Gets the optional pattern synopsis of this string property definition in the specified locale.
        locale - The locale.
        Returns the pattern synopsis of this string property definition in the specified locale, or null if there is no pattern synopsis (which is the case when there is no pattern matching defined for this string property definition).
      • getPatternUsage

        public String getPatternUsage()
        Gets a user-friendly usage string representing the pattern which can be used in error messages and help (e.g. for patterns which match a host/port combination, the usage string "HOST:PORT" would be appropriate).
        Returns the user-friendly pattern usage string, or null if there is no pattern.
      • isCaseInsensitive

        public boolean isCaseInsensitive()
        Query whether values of this property are case-insensitive.
        Returns true if values are case-insensitive, or false otherwise.