Class OperationRejectedException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, LocalizableException

    public final class OperationRejectedException
    extends AdminException
    This exception is thrown when the client or server refuses to create, delete, or modify a managed object due to one or more constraints that cannot be satisfied.

    Operations can be rejected either by a client-side constraint violation triggered by ClientConstraintHandler, or by a server-side error.

    For example, the Directory Server might not be able perform an operation due to some OS related problem, such as lack of disk space, or missing files.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • OperationRejectedException

        public OperationRejectedException​(OperationRejectedException.OperationType type,
                                          LocalizableMessage ufn,
                                          List<LocalizableMessage> messages)
        Creates a new operation rejected exception with the provided messages.
        type - The type of operation that caused this exception.
        ufn - The user friendly name of the component that caused this exception.
        messages - The messages describing the constraint violations that occurred (must be non-null and non-empty).
      • OperationRejectedException

        public OperationRejectedException​(OperationRejectedException.OperationType type,
                                          LocalizableMessage ufn,
                                          LocalizableMessage message)
        Creates a new operation rejected exception with the provided message.
        type - The type of operation that caused this exception.
        ufn - The user friendly name of the component that caused this exception.
        message - The message describing the constraint violation that occurred.
    • Method Detail

      • getMessages

        public Collection<LocalizableMessage> getMessages()
        Gets an unmodifiable collection view of the messages describing the constraint violations that occurred.
        Returns an unmodifiable collection view of the messages describing the constraint violations that occurred.
      • getOperationType

        public OperationRejectedException.OperationType getOperationType()
        Gets the type of operation that caused this exception.
        Returns the type of operation that caused this exception.
      • getUserFriendlyName

        public LocalizableMessage getUserFriendlyName()
        Gets the user friendly name of the component that caused this exception.
        Returns the user friendly name of the component that caused this exception.