Class Conditions

  • public final class Conditions
    extends Object
    This class consists exclusively of static methods that operate on or return conditions.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static Condition FALSE
      A condition which always evaluates to false.
      static Condition TRUE
      A condition which always evaluates to true.
    • Field Detail

      • FALSE

        public static final Condition FALSE
        A condition which always evaluates to false.
      • TRUE

        public static final Condition TRUE
        A condition which always evaluates to true.
    • Method Detail

      • and

        public static Condition and​(Condition... conditions)
        Creates a condition which evaluates to true if and only if all of its sub-conditions are true.
        conditions - The sub-conditions which be combined using a logical AND.
        Returns a condition which evaluates to true if and only if all of its sub-conditions are true.
      • contains

        public static Condition contains​(String propertyName,
                                         String propertyStringValue)
        Creates a condition which evaluates to true if and only if a property contains a particular value.
        propertyName - The property name.
        propertyStringValue - The string representation of the required property value.
        Returns a condition which evaluates to true if and only if a property contains a particular value.
      • implies

        public static Condition implies​(Condition premise,
                                        Condition implication)
        Creates a condition which evaluates to false if and only if the first sub-condition evaluates to true and the second sub-condition evaluates to false. This can be used to represent if-then relationships.
        premise - The sub-condition which, when true implies that the implication sub-condition must also be true.
        implication - The sub-condition which, must be true when the premise is true.
        Returns a condition which evaluates to false if and only if the first sub-condition evaluates to true and the second sub-condition evaluates to false.
      • isPresent

        public static Condition isPresent​(String propertyName)
        Creates a condition which evaluates to true if and only if a particular property has any values specified.
        propertyName - The property name.
        Returns a condition which evaluates to true if and only if a particular property has any values specified.
      • not

        public static Condition not​(Condition condition)
        Creates a condition which evaluates to true if the sub-condition is false, or false if the sub-condition is true.
        condition - The sub-condition which will be inverted.
        Returns a condition which evaluates to true if the sub-condition is false, or false if the sub-condition is true.
      • or

        public static Condition or​(Condition... conditions)
        Creates a condition which evaluates to false if and only if all of its sub-conditions are false.
        conditions - The sub-conditions which be combined using a logical OR.
        Returns a condition which evaluates to false if and only if all of its sub-conditions are false.