Class Rest2LdapHttpApplication

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.forgerock.http.DescribedHttpApplication, org.forgerock.http.HttpApplication

    public class Rest2LdapHttpApplication
    extends Object
    implements org.forgerock.http.DescribedHttpApplication
    Rest2ldap HTTP application.
    • Field Detail

      • configDirectory

        protected final File configDirectory
        The name of the JSON configuration directory in which config.json and rest2ldap/rest2ldap.json are located.
      • schema

        protected final Schema schema
        Schema used to perform DN validations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Rest2LdapHttpApplication

        public Rest2LdapHttpApplication()
        Default constructor called by the HTTP Framework which will use the default configuration directory.
      • Rest2LdapHttpApplication

        public Rest2LdapHttpApplication​(File configDirectory,
                                        Schema schema)
        Creates a new Rest2LDAP HTTP application using the provided configuration directory.
        configDirectory - The name of the JSON configuration directory in which config.json and rest2ldap/rest2ldap.json are located.
        schema - The Schema used to perform DN validations
    • Method Detail

      • start

        public final org.forgerock.http.Handler start()
                                               throws org.forgerock.http.HttpApplicationException
        Specified by:
        start in interface org.forgerock.http.HttpApplication
      • getBufferFactory

        public Factory<> getBufferFactory()
        Specified by:
        getBufferFactory in interface org.forgerock.http.HttpApplication
      • stop

        public void stop()
        Specified by:
        stop in interface org.forgerock.http.HttpApplication
      • getLdapClient

        protected LdapClient getLdapClient​(String name)
        Gets a LdapClient from its name.
        name - Name of the LdapClient as specified in the configuration
        The associated LdapClient or null if none can be found
      • getApiProducer

        public org.forgerock.http.ApiProducer<io.swagger.models.Swagger> getApiProducer()
        Specified by:
        getApiProducer in interface org.forgerock.http.DescribedHttpApplication