Class CryptoKey

    • Method Detail

      • getKeyType

        public KeyType getKeyType()
        Returns an indication of the type of key this is.
        the type of key.
      • getKeyAlgorithm

        public String getKeyAlgorithm()
        Returns the algorithm used by the underlying key, for instance "RSA" or "EC".
        the key algorithm.
      • export

        public <T> T export​(KeyFormat<T> format)
                     throws NoSuchSecretException
        Exports the key material in the given format.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of result returned.
        format - the format to export the key material in.
        the exported key material.
        NoSuchSecretException - if the secret could not be exported.
      • reveal

        public <T> T reveal​(Function<Key,​T> function)
        Reveals the secret's Key temporarily, allowing it to be used for its intended purpose. Note that the consumer should not make any assumptions about the availability of the key after the function returns. They may be cleared or destroyed. The CryptoKey object is not destroyed by this method and so can be reused.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of object returned by the consumer.
        function - the consumer function to reveal the key to.
        the result of the consumer function.
      • getCertificate

        public <T extends CertificateOptional<T> getCertificate​(Class<T> certificateType)
        Returns the certificate of the given type if one is available. This is the first certificate in the certificate chain if one exists and the certificate is of the correct type.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of certificate.
        certificateType - the type of certificate to get.
        the certificate of the given type, or empty if none available.
      • getCertificate

        public Optional<Certificate> getCertificate()
        Returns any certificate associated with this key. This is the first certificate in the certificate chain if one exists.
        the certificate associated with this key, if one is available.
      • getCertificateChain

        public List<? extends Certificate> getCertificateChain()
        Gets the certificate chain associated with this secret. If non-empty then the first certificate in the chain is always identical to the result of getCertificate().
        the certificate chain associated with this secret, or an empty list if not available.
      • getCertificateChain

        public <T extends CertificateList<T> getCertificateChain​(Class<T> certificateType)
        Gets the certificate chain associated with this secret as a list of the given certificate type. If any certificate in the chain is not of the required type then an empty result is returned. If the result is non-empty then the first certificate will be identical to the result of getCertificate().
        Type Parameters:
        T - The generic type of certificates.
        certificateType - The type of certificates expected.
        the certificate chain associated with this secret, or empty if not available or if all certificates in the chain are not of the given type.
      • getPublicKey

        public <T extends PublicKeyOptional<T> getPublicKey​(Class<T> keyType)
        Returns the public key associated with this secret, if one is available. Note that if a public key has not been directly associated with this key then currently no attempt is made to derive it from any secret key material.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of public key.
        keyType - the type of public key to return.
        the public key, if available.
      • getPublicKey

        public Optional<PublicKey> getPublicKey()
        Returns the public key associated with this secret, if one is available. Note that if a public key has not been directly associated with this key then currently no attempt is made to derive it from any secret key material.
        the public key, if available.
      • getKeyUsages

        public Set<KeyUsage> getKeyUsages()
        Returns the key usages that the key can be used for.
        the set of key usages that are allowed for this key.
      • allowsAlgorithm

        public boolean allowsAlgorithm​(String algorithm)
        Checks whether this key is allowed to be used with the given algorithm. The algorithm name is application-specific, such as a JWS signing algorithm (e.g., ES256) or a Java Cipher algorithm name (e.g., RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding).
        algorithm - the algorithm to check if this key can be used with.
        true if the algorithm is allowed to be used with this key.
      • isExtractable

        public boolean isExtractable()
        Indicates whether the raw key material can be extracted for this key. Note that some aspects of the key may still be exported even if the key itself is not extractable, for instance a public certificate. The main reason why a key is not extractable is because it is stored in secure storage such as a Hardware Security Module (HSM) or on a remote server.
        whether the raw key material can be extracted or not.
      • toBuilder

        public SecretBuilder toBuilder()
        Converts the key back into a SecretBuilder, pre-initialized with the fields of this CryptoKey object.
        a SecretBuilder that can be used to build a copy of this key.