Class OrderedStableIdResolver

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class OrderedStableIdResolver
    extends Object
    implements StableIdResolver
    A StableIdResolver that uses a version suffix and a subsequent number to determine the stableId of a Secret. For example, using a version suffix of '.v' with a purpose of 'purpose' the stableIds in order would be: purpose, purpose.v1, purpose.v2, purpose.v3 etc. with the id with the largest number being the active secret. Cases where there are leading zeroes like purpose.v01 would have .v01 be later than .v1 and before .v2. For example the order with leading zeroes would be: purpose, purpose.v1, purpose.v01, purpose.v001 purpose.v2.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OrderedStableIdResolver

        public OrderedStableIdResolver​(String versionSuffix)
        Constructor for OrderedVersionStableIdResolver.
        versionSuffix - the version suffix prepended to each version