Class Reject

  • public final class Reject
    extends Object
    A input parameter-validating utility class using fluent invocation:
     public int divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
         Reject.ifTrue(divisor == 0, "Division by zero not supported");
         return dividend / divisor;
    The example above will cause an IllegalArgumentException to be thrown with the message given.

    Note that the methods herein throw generic RuntimeExceptions as opposed to custom, application-specific error Exceptions. This class is intended for wide use among multiple projects whose Exception frameworks may differ. The implementer is encouraged to catch the generic exceptions thrown by this class and rethrow exceptions appropriate to the target application.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static String checkNotBlank​(String str)
      Throws a NullPointerException if the str parameter is null, throws IllegalArgumentException if empty or only contains whitespace, and returns the string otherwise.
      static String checkNotBlank​(String str, String message)
      Throws a NullPointerException if the str parameter is null, throws IllegalArgumentException if empty or only contains whitespace, and returns the string otherwise.
      static <T> T checkNotNull​(T object)
      static <T> T checkNotNull​(T object, String message)
      static void ifBlank​(String str)
      Alias for checkNotBlank(String) to be used in fluent Reject.ifBlank syntax.
      static void ifBlank​(String str, String message)
      Alias for checkNotBlank(String, String) to be used in fluent Reject.ifBlank syntax.
      static void ifFalse​(boolean condition)
      Experience has shown that Reject.ifFalse can be hard to read.
      static void ifFalse​(boolean condition, String message)
      Experience has shown that Reject.ifFalse can be hard to read.
      static void ifNull​(Object object)
      Alias for checkNotNull to be used in fluent Reject.ifNull syntax.
      static void ifNull​(Object object, String message)
      Alias for checkNotNull to be used in fluent Reject.ifNull syntax.
      static <T> void ifNull​(T... objects)
      Throws a NullPointerException if any of the provided arguments are null.
      static void ifTrue​(boolean condition)
      Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the condition parameter is true.
      static void ifTrue​(boolean condition, String message)
      Throws an IllegalArgumentException with a custom message if the condition parameter is true.
      static void rejectStateIfTrue​(boolean condition, String message)
      Throws an IllegalStateException with a custom message if the condition parameter is true.
      static void unless​(boolean condition)
      Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the condition parameter is false.
      static void unless​(boolean condition, String message)
      Throws an IllegalArgumentException with a custom message if the condition parameter is false.
    • Method Detail

      • checkNotNull

        public static <T> T checkNotNull​(T object)
        Throws a NullPointerException if the object parameter is null, returns the object otherwise.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of object to test.
        object - the object to test
        the object
        NullPointerException - if object is null
      • checkNotNull

        public static <T> T checkNotNull​(T object,
                                         String message)
        Throws a NullPointerException if the object parameter is null, returns the object otherwise.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of object to test.
        object - the object to test
        message - a custom exception message to use
        the object
        NullPointerException - if object is null
      • checkNotBlank

        public static String checkNotBlank​(String str)
        Throws a NullPointerException if the str parameter is null, throws IllegalArgumentException if empty or only contains whitespace, and returns the string otherwise.
        str - the string to check
        the string
        NullPointerException - if str is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if str is empty or only contains whitespace
      • checkNotBlank

        public static String checkNotBlank​(String str,
                                           String message)
        Throws a NullPointerException if the str parameter is null, throws IllegalArgumentException if empty or only contains whitespace, and returns the string otherwise.
        str - the string to check
        message - a custom exception message to use
        the string
        NullPointerException - if str is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if str is empty or only contains whitespace
      • ifBlank

        public static void ifBlank​(String str)
        Alias for checkNotBlank(String) to be used in fluent Reject.ifBlank syntax. Throws a NullPointerException if the str parameter is null, throws IllegalArgumentException if empty or only contains whitespace, and returns the string otherwise.
        str - the string to check
        NullPointerException - if str is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if str is empty or only contains whitespace
      • ifBlank

        public static void ifBlank​(String str,
                                   String message)
        Alias for checkNotBlank(String, String) to be used in fluent Reject.ifBlank syntax. Throws a NullPointerException if the str parameter is null, throws IllegalArgumentException if empty or only contains whitespace, and returns the string otherwise.
        str - the string to check
        message - a custom exception message to use
        NullPointerException - if str is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if str is empty or only contains whitespace
      • ifFalse

        public static void ifFalse​(boolean condition)
        Experience has shown that Reject.ifFalse can be hard to read. Prefer to use unless(boolean) (which works identically) or rewrite to use ifTrue(boolean) instead.
        Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the condition parameter is false.
        condition - the condition to test
        IllegalArgumentException - if condition is false
      • ifFalse

        public static void ifFalse​(boolean condition,
                                   String message)
        Experience has shown that Reject.ifFalse can be hard to read. Prefer to use unless(boolean, String) (which works identically) or rewrite to use ifTrue(boolean, String) instead.
        Throws an IllegalArgumentException with a custom message if the condition parameter is false.
        condition - the condition to test
        message - a custom exception message to use
        IllegalArgumentException - if condition is false
      • unless

        public static void unless​(boolean condition)
        Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the condition parameter is false.
        condition - the condition to test
        IllegalArgumentException - if condition is false
      • unless

        public static void unless​(boolean condition,
                                  String message)
        Throws an IllegalArgumentException with a custom message if the condition parameter is false.
        condition - the condition to test
        message - a custom exception message to use
        IllegalArgumentException - if condition is false
      • ifNull

        public static void ifNull​(Object object)
        Alias for checkNotNull to be used in fluent Reject.ifNull syntax. Throws a NullPointerException if the object parameter is null.
        object - the object to test
        NullPointerException - if object is null
      • ifNull

        public static <T> void ifNull​(T... objects)
        Throws a NullPointerException if any of the provided arguments are null.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of object to test.
        objects - The objects to test.
        NullPointerException - If any of the provided arguments are null.
      • ifNull

        public static void ifNull​(Object object,
                                  String message)
        Alias for checkNotNull to be used in fluent Reject.ifNull syntax. Throws a NullPointerException if the object parameter is null.
        object - the object to test
        message - a custom exception message to use
        NullPointerException - if object is null
      • ifTrue

        public static void ifTrue​(boolean condition)
        Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the condition parameter is true.
        condition - the condition to test
        IllegalArgumentException - if condition is true
      • ifTrue

        public static void ifTrue​(boolean condition,
                                  String message)
        Throws an IllegalArgumentException with a custom message if the condition parameter is true.
        condition - the condition to test
        message - a custom exception message to use
        IllegalArgumentException - if condition is true
      • rejectStateIfTrue

        public static void rejectStateIfTrue​(boolean condition,
                                             String message)
        Throws an IllegalStateException with a custom message if the condition parameter is true.
        condition - the condition to test
        message - a custom exception message to use
        IllegalStateException - if condition is true