Class DirectoryThread

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ChangeNumberIndexer, DirectoryServerShutdownHook, IdleTimeLimitThread, MonitoringPublisher, TaskScheduler

    public class DirectoryThread
    extends Thread
    This class defines a generic thread that should be the superclass for all threads created by the Directory Server. That is, instead of having a class that "extends Thread", you should make it "extends DirectoryThread". This provides various value-added capabilities, including:
    • It helps make sure that all threads have a human-readable name so they are easier to identify in stack traces.
    • It can capture a stack trace from the time that this thread was created that could be useful for debugging purposes.
    • It plays an important role in ensuring that log messages generated as part of the processing for Directory Server tasks are properly captured and made available as part of that task.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DirectoryThread

        protected DirectoryThread​(String threadName,
                                  ServerContext serverContext)
        Creates a new instance of this directory thread with the specified name.
        threadName - The human-readable name to use for this thread for debugging purposes.
        serverContext - The server context.
      • DirectoryThread

        public DirectoryThread​(Runnable target,
                               String threadName,
                               ServerContext serverContext)
        Creates a new instance of this directory thread with the specified name and with the specified target as its run object.
        target - The target runnable object.
        threadName - The human-readable name to use for this thread for debugging purposes.
        serverContext - The server context.
    • Method Detail

      • getServerContext

        protected ServerContext getServerContext()
        Returns the server context.
        the server context
      • getAssociatedTask

        public Task getAssociatedTask()
        Retrieves the task with which this thread is associated. This will only be available for threads that are used in the process of running a task.
        The task with which this thread is associated, or null if there is none.
      • setAssociatedTask

        protected void setAssociatedTask​(Task task)
        Sets the task with which this thread is associated. It may be null to indicate that it is not associated with any task.
        task - The task with which this thread is associated.
      • isStarting

        public boolean isStarting()
        Returns true if this thread is waiting to be started.
        true if this thread is waiting to be started.
      • isStarted

        public boolean isStarted()
        Returns true if this thread has been started.
        true if this thread has been started.
      • isShutdownInitiated

        public boolean isShutdownInitiated()
        Returns whether the shutdown process has been initiated on the current thread. It also returns true when the thread is actually terminated.

        Waiting for the thread to terminate should be done by invoking one of the Thread.join() methods.

        true if the shutdown process has been initiated on the current thread, false otherwise.
      • interrupt

        public void interrupt()
        interrupt in class Thread
      • initiateShutdown

        public void initiateShutdown()
        Instructs the current thread to initiate the shutdown process. The actual shutdown of the thread is a best effort and is dependent on the implementation of the method.
      • wakeup

        public void wakeup()
        Wake up the thread if it is waiting.
      • checkForShutdownOrWait

        protected boolean checkForShutdownOrWait​(long waitTimeMs)
        Checks for thread shutdown, or waits for the specified time. To be called from a Thread's run() method in a loop.

        Typical usage pattern is:

         while (!isShutdownInitiated()) {
             // logic goes here...
             if (checkForShutdownOrWait(waitTimeMs)) {
        waitTimeMs - the wait time in milliseconds
        true if the thread can continue running, false if shutdown was initiated for this thread and it must stop.
      • checkForShutdownOrWait

        protected boolean checkForShutdownOrWait​(long waitTimeMs,
                                                 BooleanSupplier canSleep)
        Checks for thread shutdown, or waits for the specified time. To be called from a Thread's run() method in a loop.

        Typical usage pattern is:

         while (!isShutdownInitiated()) {
             // logic goes here...
             if (checkForShutdownOrWait(waitTimeMs, canSleepSupplier)) {
        waitTimeMs - the wait time in milliseconds
        canSleep - whether the
        true if the thread can continue running, false if shutdown was initiated for this thread and it must stop.