Class PluggableBackendMonitor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class PluggableBackendMonitor
    extends LocalBackendMonitor<BackendImpl<?>>
    A monitor provider for high level backend statistics, such as filter stats and search counters.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PluggableBackendMonitor

        protected PluggableBackendMonitor​(BackendImpl<?> backend,
                                          ServerContext serverContext)
        Creates a new pluggable backend monitor instance associated to the provided backend.
        backend - The backend monitored.
        serverContext - The server context
    • Method Detail

      • addMonitorObjectClassNames

        protected void addMonitorObjectClassNames​(Attribute ocAttr)
        Description copied from class: MonitorProvider
        Adds to the provided attribute the objectclass names that should be included in the monitor entry created from this monitor provider. This method should be implemented by child classes to make it easier to search for monitor entries of a specific type.
        addMonitorObjectClassNames in class LocalBackendMonitor<BackendImpl<?>>
        ocAttr - the objectClass attribute where to add the object class names
      • addAdditionalPluggableMetrics

        protected void addAdditionalPluggableMetrics()
        Adds additional metrics specific to the pluggable backend implementation in this monitor provider's MeterRegistry.

        The default implementation is to do nothing.