Class LdapClientConnection

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    RequestHandler, TLSCapableConnection

    public final class LdapClientConnection
    extends ClientConnection
    implements TLSCapableConnection
    This class defines an LDAP client connection, which is a type of client connection that will be accepted by an instance of the LDAP connection handler and have its requests decoded by an LDAP request handler.
    • Method Detail

      • getConnectionID

        public long getConnectionID()
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Retrieves the unique identifier that has been assigned to this connection.
        Specified by:
        getConnectionID in class ClientConnection
        The unique identifier that has been assigned to this connection.
      • getProtocol

        public String getProtocol()
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Retrieves the protocol that the client is using to communicate with the Directory Server.
        Specified by:
        getProtocol in class ClientConnection
        The protocol that the client is using to communicate with the Directory Server.
      • getClientAddress

        public String getClientAddress()
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Retrieves a string representation of the address of the client.
        Specified by:
        getClientAddress in class ClientConnection
        A string representation of the address of the client.
      • getClientPort

        public int getClientPort()
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Retrieves the port number for this connection on the client system if available.
        Specified by:
        getClientPort in class ClientConnection
        The port number for this connection on the client system or -1 if there is no client port associated with this connection (e.g. internal client).
      • getServerAddress

        public String getServerAddress()
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Retrieves a string representation of the address on the server to which the client connected.
        Specified by:
        getServerAddress in class ClientConnection
        A string representation of the address on the server to which the client connected.
      • getServerPort

        public int getServerPort()
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Retrieves the port number for this connection on the server system if available.
        Specified by:
        getServerPort in class ClientConnection
        The port number for this connection on the server system or -1 if there is no server port associated with this connection (e.g. internal client).
      • getRemoteAddress

        public InetAddress getRemoteAddress()
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Retrieves the InetAddress associated with the remote client system.
        Specified by:
        getRemoteAddress in class ClientConnection
        The InetAddress associated with the remote client system. It may be null if the client is not connected over an IP-based connection.
      • isConnectionValid

        public boolean isConnectionValid()
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Returns whether the Directory Server believes this connection to be valid and available for communication.
        Specified by:
        isConnectionValid in class ClientConnection
        true if the connection is valid, false otherwise
      • isSecure

        public boolean isSecure()
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Indicates whether this client connection is currently using a secure mechanism to communicate with the server. Note that this may change over time based on operations performed by the client or server (e.g., it may go from false to true if the client uses the StartTLS extended operation).
        Specified by:
        isSecure in class ClientConnection
        true if the client connection is currently using a secure mechanism to communicate with the server, or false if not.
      • sendResponse

        public void sendResponse​(Operation operation)
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Removes the provided operation from the set of operations in progress of this client connection and sends a response to the client based on the information in the provided operation.

        Note that this does not make any attempt to cancel any processing that may already be in progress for the operation.

        sendResponse in class ClientConnection
        operation - The operation for which to send the response
      • sendSearchEntry

        public void sendSearchEntry​(SearchOperation searchOperation,
                                    SearchResultEntry searchEntry)
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Sends the provided search result entry to the client.
        Specified by:
        sendSearchEntry in class ClientConnection
        searchOperation - The search operation with which the entry is associated.
        searchEntry - The search result entry to be sent to the client.
      • sendSearchReference

        public boolean sendSearchReference​(SearchOperation searchOperation,
                                           SearchResultReference searchReference)
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Sends the provided search result reference to the client.
        Specified by:
        sendSearchReference in class ClientConnection
        searchOperation - The search operation with which the reference is associated.
        searchReference - The search result reference to be sent to the client.
        true if the client is able to accept referrals, or false if the client cannot handle referrals and no more attempts should be made to send them for the associated search operation.
      • sendIntermediateResponseMessage

        protected boolean sendIntermediateResponseMessage​(Operation operation,
                                                          IntermediateResponse intermediateResponse)
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Sends the provided intermediate response message to the client.
        Specified by:
        sendIntermediateResponseMessage in class ClientConnection
        operation - The operation with which the intermediate response is associated.
        intermediateResponse - The intermediate response message to be sent.
        true if processing on the associated operation should continue, or false if not.
      • disconnect

        public void disconnect​(DisconnectReason disconnectReason,
                               boolean sendNotification,
                               LocalizableMessage message)
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Closes the connection to the client, optionally sending it a message indicating the reason for the closure. Note that the ability to send a notice of disconnection may not be available for all protocols or under all circumstances. Also note that when attempting to disconnect a client connection as a part of operation processing (e.g., within a plugin or other extension), the disconnectClient method within that operation should be called rather than invoking this method directly.

        All subclasses must invoke the finalizeConnectionInternal method during the course of processing this method.

        Specified by:
        disconnect in class ClientConnection
        disconnectReason - The disconnect reason that provides the generic cause for the disconnect.
        sendNotification - Indicates whether to try to provide notification to the client that the connection will be closed.
        message - The message to send to the client. It may be null if no notification is to be sent.
      • getOperationInProgress

        public Operation getOperationInProgress​(int messageID)
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Retrieves the operation in progress with the specified message ID.
        Specified by:
        getOperationInProgress in class ClientConnection
        messageID - The message ID of the operation to retrieve.
        The operation in progress with the specified message ID, or null if no such operation could be found.
      • removeOperationInProgress

        public void removeOperationInProgress​(int messageID)
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Removes the provided operation from the set of operations in progress for this client connection. Note that this does not make any attempt to cancel any processing that may already be in progress for the operation.
        Specified by:
        removeOperationInProgress in class ClientConnection
        messageID - The message ID of the operation to remove from the set of operations in progress.
      • getMaxBlockedWriteTimeLimit

        public long getMaxBlockedWriteTimeLimit()
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Retrieves the maximum length of time in milliseconds that attempts to write data to the client should be allowed to block.
        getMaxBlockedWriteTimeLimit in class ClientConnection
        The maximum length of time in milliseconds that attempts to write data to the client should be allowed to block.
      • handle

        public Flowable<Response> handle​( context,
                                         Request request)
        Processes the provided request in a reactive way.

        For most requests, this will include placing the operation in the work queue. Certain requests (in particular, abandons and unbinds) will be processed directly.

        Specified by:
        handle in interface RequestHandler
        context - The context to process the request, which is expected to contain a RequestContext
        request - The request to process.
        a stream of responses
      • getMonitorSummary

        public JsonValue getMonitorSummary()
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Returns a summary of this client connection in JSON (format that is both human readable and machine parseable).
        Specified by:
        getMonitorSummary in class ClientConnection
        A summary of this client connection in JSON.
      • toString

        public void toString​(StringBuilder buffer)
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Appends a string representation of this client connection to the provided buffer.
        Specified by:
        toString in class ClientConnection
        buffer - The buffer to which the information should be appended.
      • prepareTLS

        public boolean prepareTLS​(LocalizableMessageBuilder unavailableReason)
        Description copied from interface: TLSCapableConnection
        Prepares this connection for using TLS and returns whether TLS protection is actually available for the underlying client connection. If there is any reason that TLS protection cannot be enabled on this client connection, then it should be appended to the provided buffer.
        Specified by:
        prepareTLS in interface TLSCapableConnection
        unavailableReason - The buffer used to hold the reason that TLS is not available on the underlying client connection.
        true if TLS is available on the underlying client connection, or false if it is not.
      • getIdleTime

        public long getIdleTime()
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Retrieves the length of time in milliseconds that this client connection has been idle.

        Note that the default implementation will always return zero. Subclasses associated with connection handlers should override this method if they wish to provided idle time limit functionality.

        getIdleTime in class ClientConnection
        The length of time in milliseconds that this client connection has been idle.
      • getClientCertificateChain

        public Certificate[] getClientCertificateChain()
        Return the certificate chain array associated with a connection.
        The array of certificates associated with a connection.
      • getSSF

        public int getSSF()
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Return the Security Strength Factor of a client connection.
        Specified by:
        getSSF in class ClientConnection
        An integer representing the SSF value of a connection.
      • getTlsProtocol

        public String getTlsProtocol()
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Return the TLS protocol of a client connection.
        getTlsProtocol in class ClientConnection
        A string, or "NONE" if TLS handshake is not complete, or null if TLS is not active.
      • getTlsCipher

        public String getTlsCipher()
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Return the TLS cipher suite of a client connection.
        getTlsCipher in class ClientConnection
        A cipher name, or "SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL" if TLS handshake is not complete, or null if TLS is not active.
      • mustLogTlsHandshake

        public boolean mustLogTlsHandshake()
        Description copied from class: ClientConnection
        Returns whether TLS information must be logged by the caller. This method relies on side-effects to ensure the TLS information is logged only once per connection, even in the face of concurrent requests.
        mustLogTlsHandshake in class ClientConnection
        whether TLS information must be logged by the caller